ZSTARS - It's Christmas!

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Let me be who you wanna be
If you need someone to beleive
In yourself I'm gonna be the one
The one, oh one and only

Don't be afraid
You're not the only one
Take my hand
I'll be by your side
Trust in me
You'll never be alone
No more, oh oh oh oh

Christmas I've been waiting for
Let it snow for everyone
Oh I feel like I'm in heaven
It's Christmas baby
Christmas love is in air
I'll sing with you all day
Oh I feel like I'm in heaven
It's Christmas baby

(Ah) I want you here tonight
(You) You are the one I want

I'll keep you warm and safe
I'll be your light at night
Here's what I wanna say
You got me in your heart
I'll be your friend
When you're feeling low
Make a wish
Oh you'll never know

Take a chance
I know you're gonna find
the one Oh one and only

(I'd) follow you
Wherever you are
(I'm) close to you
Even in the dark
I'll give you all
All that
I got inside for you
Oh oh oh oh

Christmas I've been waiting for
Let it snow for everyone
Oh I feel like I'm in heaven
It's Christmas baby
Christmas love is in air
I'll sing with you all day
Oh I feel like I'm in heaven
It's Christmas baby

(Ah) I want you here tonight
(You) You are the one I want

I'll keep you warm and safe
I'll be your light at night
Here's what I wanna say
You got me in your heart
I'll be your friend
When you're feeling low
Make a wish
Oh you'll never know

Christmas I've been waiting for
Let it snow for everyone
Oh I feel like I'm in heaven
It's Christmas baby
Christmas love is in air
I'll sing with you all day
Oh I feel like I'm in heaven
It's Christmas baby

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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