Character Description

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Before the description I just want to say that this is my first Deckard Shaw x Reader story and I feel like there aren't enough of them, so I thought I'd contribute. And in light of the new trailer being released I thought I would finally upload it since it's been sitting in my drafts collecting cobwebs. Hope you like it.

Name: (Y/n) Hobbs
Age: 35
Height: Medium
Hair colour (h/c): Your choice
Hair length (h/l): Your choice
Eye colour (e/c): Your choice
Skin tone (s/t): Tan
Favourite type of car (f/c): Your choice

Background info:

Luke smiled and held his new baby sister in his arms, she was smiling and babbling while grabbing his finger.

"Mama what's her name?" A 12 year old Luke Hobbs asked his mother.

"(Y/n)" she smiled, as did the young boy.

"Hey it's my turn to hold her!" Jonah yelled, trying to hold his new baby sister.

"No it's my turn!" Another brother argued.

"No it's mine!" Another brother added to the argument.

"Enough! You can all hold your sister. Be gentle" baby (Y/n) started crying from all the yelling. Luke shhhh'ed her, slowly calming the baby down.

All through (Y/n)'s childhood Luke has been her favourite brother, he was always there for her, from helping her walk to supporting the girl in her first break up. He truely was her hero. Of course her other brothers were jealous but they all understood, I mean it's not like you didn't like them, you would often work on cars with Jonah and the others. It's just not the same.

One day you were sitting in your bedroom listening to music and drawing. Then you heard intense yelling coming from the lounge room.

"Great old mans home" She thought and made her way out the door and out into the lounge room. As (Y/n) made it into the lounge room she saw Luke and (f/n) (fathers name - couldn't find what Luke's dads name was so just make it up) fighting. Then heard sirens outside our house.

"Luke called the police on (f/n)?" (Y/n) thought, piecing the puzzle together slowly.

"Finally" I thought, relief washing over me as the police burst through the door and arrested (f/n). (Y/n) walked up to Luke and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you" she smiled. He looked at me and smiled back.

"It had to be done" (Y/n) nodded in agreement. Mother then came out and gasped at the scene in front of her.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we've been given large tip offs and evidence that your husband has been involved in many heists and drug issues around this area so we are arresting him" A police officer answered.

"What!? Your kidding right? Dad would never do that. Who tipped you off?" Jonah protested. I felt Luke tense a little so (Y/n) reassuringly squeezed his arm.

"Your brother, Lucas Hobbs" The officer replied then left with (f/n) in handcuffs. Jonah wheeled around on the spot and deadpanned Luke.

"You bastard! You lied and put dad in jail!" Jonah was furious. He stomped over to where Luke and (Y/n) stood.

"I did it for our family! He wasn't innocent and you know it!" This is the first time she'd seen Luke raise his voice. Jonah threw a punch at Luke, causing a fight to break out between the two young men.

"Guys stop! Stop please!" (Y/n) pleaded and tried to break the boys apart, though it was pointless as she was weak in compare to my brothers.

"Enough both of you!" My mother yelled, tearing the two apart. Blood dripped from Luke's nose, however, Jonah was worse off, his eye was swollen, he had a cut in his forehead and a bleeding nose as well.

After that incident our brothers never trusted Luke again, and so one day, when (Y/n) was out doing the grocery shopping Luke fled.

(Y/n) came home to her mother crying and her brothers looking a little glum.

"What's wrong guys?" She asked curiously, placing the shopping bags on the bench and walking over to everyone. This is the part her brothers were sad about, how you'd react to the news.

"What?" (Y/n) presses, a little more concerned. (Y/n)'s mother just handed her a piece of paper with her name on the front.

Dear (Y/n),

This note is specifically for you, I want to start by saying I'm sorry, if your reading this then I'm already gone. I want to say thank you for being an amazing sister and loving me, you always told me to follow my dreams and so I decided now was the time. Know that I'm safe and have decided to join the police force. I hope to see you in the future.

Love you lots, Luke.

The poor girl just fell to her knees crying. How could he leave her? Why would he do this? All these questions clouded her mind, one thing was clear though, she'll never forgive him for this.

12 years later and  (Y/n) is working as a secret agent with a man named Mr. Nobody. She was asked to help solve a case of Dominic Toretto going rogue and stealing an EMP. Walking through the doors of the office, she saw a group of people sitting at a table, and two men right in front of you. One was Deckard Shaw, a hot British assassin and the other was your brother, Lucas Hobbs.

End of background info.

I Don't Care (Deckard Shaw x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now