Cold Weather and Chips

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*the car again in case you needed a visual*

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*the car again in case you needed a visual*

I stared out at the frozen wasteland, nothing in sight. I zoned out and started thinking about what it would be like riding beside Deckard right now.

"I'm freezin man, this ain't for me, I come from a different kind a lifestyle bruh. Lady's know me, they know where I'm at wit. I try to take a piss and I ain't even recognise myself" Roman rambled, trying to steady his breathing.

"Now that's entirely to much information" Tej said.

"I'm jus sayin" Roman said.

"Well, one things for sure. Dom's gotta be either workin with them or making a trade because no one would be that insane to hit this place without an army" Little Nobody said, putting his binoculars down.

"Don't be to sure Little Nobody" I smirked, pointing down at a black car tracking though the snow.

"Speak of the devil" Luke said, looking through his binoculars.

"Guys he just fired the EMP!" I said, pointing to the base. I then looked at the surroundings, putting everything together.

"Oh shit guys he's going for the sub" as soon as I said that the pulse went off and a helicopter crashed, erupting into flames.

"Daym, I think Cipher jus rebooted that sub to reslave it's command system" Tej informed.

"What the heell is he talkin about?" Roman asked confused.

"In lamens terms, she just carjacked a submarine" Ramsey said, looking into her binoculars again.

"We can't let it get away" she said determined. "There's the control room, if you can get me into that warehouse I can tap the network and counter hack Cipher, keep it from lowering into the water"

"No what we need to do is get me on that sub, I find the weapons room and I can pull the launch chip before she can even fire any of those nuc's" Tej said.

"That is too crazy" Ramsey said, trying to reason.

"Whach your sayin is too dangerous" Tej replied, in the same tone.

"We'll do both" Luke said, standing up.

"Let's get moving then ladies" I said standing up and dusting the snow off my pants and moving to my car. Luke then grabbed my arm.

"Look (Y/n) I know we haven't really spoke but I want-" I cut Luke off.

"I forgive you, I've been thinking about it since I talked with... Deckard, and I forgive you, I get why you left" I smiled, hugging him.

"Now let's go kick some ass, brother" We smiled and nodded. Everyone got in their cars and started heading down the hill, through the bases entrance.

I Don't Care (Deckard Shaw x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now