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The roaring of the car diminished as it halted in front of the first checkpoint. As the car slowed down, the clanking of the weary metals intensified, suddenly stopped and then joined with the silence that resided in the neighbourhood. The nearby trees were so used to the silence that car's sound disturbed the whole quietude making birds to fly high in the sky.

The soldier knocked on the glass of the car's window. The glass slide down and the person sitting inside looked at heavily armed Soldier. He gave him a smile but soldier's countenance didn't change. He stared hard at the guy sitting inside the car as if he was some kind of criminal.

"What's your name, sir?" The soldier asked the driver.

"Tony Rolland," the guy inside the car answered.

"And may I know where you are heading?" Soldier asked another question as if it was his regular routine.

"I am heading towards the airport of the 'other side'. I need to meet my wife and daughter," Tony answered politely.

"Can I see your passes, sir?" The soldier continued with his formalities.

"Sure." Tony said and searched the bag lying on the passenger seat. He pulled two passes out of his bag and handed it over to the soldier.

"May I see your ID, sir?"

Tony gave his ID card which was in his shirt's pocket. He was aware of all the formalities as it was the fourth time that he was crossing the partition and going to meet his wife and 15 year old daughter. It was her 16th birthday the next day and he wanted it to celebrate with her.

The soldier verified the ID card and the passes. When he was satisfied with it, he returned the passes and ID card to its owner and then tapped on the roof of the car. He pointed towards a small building and Tony started driving towards it after Thanking the guard politely.

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