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I can't believe it. I'm finally taking my trip to New York for the model show I'm going to take part in. Its my first one. I'm super nervous.

I'm in line to get my things to get checked before I head to my gate to get to the plane.

I'm excited but then I'm nervous. Its just a smoothie of mixed emotions.

I gave my bags to the security guard up front and he quickly scanned through them.

"Your ready to go ma'am." He smiled.

" Thank you." I smiled back and took my bags.

I pulled out my ticket and checked the gate I'm suppose to go to. Okay, I have to go to gate G12. I looked at the signs to check what gate I'm at. I am at gate F13.

Ughhh.. I have to walk a lot. I held my bags tight. And began my long walk. Good thing I don't have my big luggage. I only have my handbag and another extra bag. They aren't that heavy but then they aren't that light.

I was half where there when I felt someone talk my shoulder. I turned around and u was a guy.

" Hi." He smiled. He was tall with greenish brown eyes. He had brown hair pulled into a monhicahan hairstyle.

" Hi." I smiled back.

" I was wondering if you needed help with your bags." He said gesturing towards my bags.

" Ummm...sure. Thanks."

He nodded and took my bags. We walked for about 2 minutes in pure silence.

" what gate are you going to ma'am?" He asked.

" I'm going to gate G12. Were at Gate G8. I think I can carry my bags from here. And you can go to what gate you need to be at." I spoke trying to get my bags.

" No. Its not a problem. I actually have to go to gate G12 as well. So I can still carry them." He stated still holding my bags.

I nodded and kept walking.

Not to long later we arrived at our Gate.

The guy placed my bags on a chair.

" Thank you." I thanked him pulling out my wallet to give him some money. I pulled out a 10 dollar bill and tried to give it to him.

" Oh no ma'am. Don't worry about it. It was my pleasure to help a pretty lady." He smiled.

" Are you sure? I meant my bags where heavy and you did carry them for-"

" I'm sure. But thank you anyways." He smiled one last time walking away. I watched him walk away and sir in the other sit of the Gate waiting room. He sat down and looked at me and winked.

My eyes widened at his action and I blushed. I put my wallet back into my purse and sat down. I pulled out my phone and went through my social media.

Umm..nothing new or interesting.

I went to my recent text messages and decided to call my friend Dylan.


I was on my way to Gate G12. When I saw a girl struggling with her bags....well okay she wasn't struggling. I thought she was pretty so I asked her if I could help her. And happily she accepted. Good thing we had to be at the same Gate. She didn't notice but mostly the whole way there I was looking at her. Although I don't know her at all, and I've never seen her before she was gorgeous. She had her hair tied into a bun. She was wearing a red flannel and black jeans with black combat boots. And a black scarf. She was tall but shorter than me. She looked like she was 5'6 or so.

When we arrived at our designated Gate I put her bags down on a chair. She tried to give me money for helping her but I didn't accept it. I walked away smiling at her. Once I sat down I threw her a wink. She looked at me then blushed.

I saw her pull out her phone and dial someone's number. After a few seconds she started to talk to someone on the phone.

I kept looking at her until my flight was called.

" Flight A1822. You may now aboard the plane." I grabbed my bags and a boarded the plane.

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