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»What?! You're allowed to take the Provisional Hero License Exam?!«

Your (e/c) eyes widen in surprise, not really expecting that kind reaction from your mother. Sure, it was also a shock to you when your homeroom teacher came up to you after class and told you that you got chosen to take part of the Provisional Hero License Exam. It was unexpected since your teacher had never mentioned the exam before because normally, first year students didn't participate in the exam.

It was a pretty big deal that you got chosen since Shiketsu High wasn't letting every student take the exam, especially someone who was only a first grader. However, since you were top of your classes and also got nominated to do your internship at the agency of the current number one hero Endeavor, the school decided to give you a chance at taking the exam.

»That's so unusual. Shouldn't students from higher classes get the opportunity to take this exam?« You mom asked curious.

You shrugged and kept your eyes on your phone. »Those losers are too weak to take the exam. Did you forget that I beat them up during the sport festival?«

»Stop calling your older classmates losers. That's disrespectful!« Your mom complained as she pinched  your cheek playfully.

You winced in pain and rubbed your cheek with your left hand since your mom had pinched you pretty hard. »Stop doing that! You know that I don't like it when you pinch me!«

»Oh stop acting like a baby. You fought real villains, so a little pinch isn't going to hurt you.«

You rolled your eyes in annoyed, deciding to just ignore your moms comment. »Anyway, there are four other students in my group who are going to take the provisional exam with me.«

»Only five students are in your group?« Your mom frowned, not expecting the group of her daughter to be that small.

»Yeah, three of them are second-year students and the other one is Yoarashi-kun from my class.« You told her as you scrolled down your TikTok, trying to find funny videos you could send to your friend Camie.

»Huh? Yoarashi-kun? Isn't that the energetic, hyperactive young man who always expresses his undying love for you during battles?«

A small sweat-drop rolled down your forehead, not really liking how your mom remembered your classmate. »Y-Yea that's him ...«

Inasa Yoarashi was one of the few people who could actually keep up with your strength since you both were top of your classes. Even though Yoarashi only came second at the sport festival, he has gotten way more nominations from hero agencies than you did. Maybe it was because his fighting skills were way better than yours or maybe it was because his parents were well known in the hero industry.

Unfortunately, Yoarashi also had the biggest crush on you and didn't even bother to hide his true feelings. Literally everyone at Shiketsu High knew that he was in love with you since he already confessed to you like a million times. It was kinda embarrassing since you always turned him down but that didn't really stop him from trying to win you over.

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