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When stiles found out about his brother skipping school—with Liam at that—he sure as hell scolded him

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When stiles found out about his brother skipping school—with Liam at that—he sure as hell scolded him. Not only that, but he was forced to stay home that night, despite wanting to go to the bonfire.

The only reason he wanted to go may have been because Liam asked him to, but that's besides the point.

It's his first time ever even considering going to a party/outing that involved other people on his own terms—not being forced by James.

So when he got another text from Liam asking if he was coming, you can bet he was dashing down his stairs in seconds. What he didn't expect though, was James, standing on the front porch with his arms crossed. "Going somewhere?"

"No, no, just here, getting air and all," he took a big breath, "yum, that was great, I'm going inside now." With that he walked back in and slammed the door shut. He stood by the door and thought, he nodded to himself and ran back upstairs.

He's never had a reason to sneak out before, so the rush he felt when he slid his window open was quite amazing. He silently closed the window, crawling across the roof towards the edge. "Sneaking out huh?"

Jason screamed, his arms failing around as James prevented him from falling off the house, "jeez, quiet down jase'."

"Why the hell are you on the roof?!"

"Why are you on the roof." James offered back, pulling Jason through the now opened window.

When Jason didn't answer, he spoke again, "stiles told me to make sure you didn't leave the house, I planned on ignoring him and dragging you to the bonfire myself, but Scott made me leave after some weird shit started happening," he explained, jumping on Jason's bed.

"Then i kinda ran here to make sure you don't leave, so....yeah, here I am."

"Assholes." Jason mumbled, taking off his shoes and pushing James off his bed. "Saying they want me to be in the loop of things yet they still don't let me do anything."

"I in no way like or side with your brother and Scott for pretty obvious reasons. But, I'm sure they might be doing it protect you." James said with a shrug.

Jason sighed and stared at his ceiling a frown etched on his face. James got off the floor with a sigh, laying next to his friend. "How about I kick stiles ass for you? Would that make you feel better?"


"What about Scott?"


"How about liams?"

"No!" Jason yelled, shoot up from his laying position.

James smirked, "that was quite a reaction."

The two then fell into a comfortable silence, shoulders touching as they laid side by side. It wasn't unusual for them, as Jason was always naturally a quiet person who just enjoyed company without any speaking.

James' boisterous laughter quickly filled up the once quiet stilinski house, alerting Jason from his room and making him shut his door rather harshly. James rose a brow at the loud sound and turned to his two companions.

Scott just shrugged whereas stiles rolled his eyes, "he's probably just in a mood, he likes it quiet twenty-four seven but that's just not possible."

James nodded, following his friends up the stairs towards stiles' room, glancing at the room across from it for a split second. "So who did the homework and when can I copy it?" Stiles asks throwing his bag on the floor.

The ginger totally tuned his friends out and thought back on the door across from him. Now that he thought about it, he's never really spoken or seen stiles brother—said male always hiding away in his room every time he's over.

"Hey, I'm going to go get some water." Before anyone could reply he was already out the door and in front of the younger stilinski's.

He quietly knocked on the door as if not to alert his friends of his intentions, waiting for a response. The door cracked open a bit, "what do you want?"

"Um, i just wanted to say sorry, you know, for being all loud and whatever when I first came in," James explained softly, rubbing the back of his neck, "it was rude of me to be like that in someone else's home."

Jason seemed surprised at the apology, opening his door to the point where James could fully see him, "u-um it's okay?"

James nodded, "you have really pretty eyes," Jason blushed at the compliment, going to respond when he was cut off, "woah are those glow in the dark stars? I haven't seen those in a long time."

James made his way into Jason's room uninvited, more so confusing the latter than angering him. "Why does yours look cooler though." He pouted, pointing up to the stars arranged nicely on the ceiling.

"Um, i kinda tried to make them look like random constellations." He mumbled, his eyes drifting up to look at them.

"Tell me about them."

Jason was shocked and flustered, he hadn't really spoken to a lot of people and this random friend of his older brother wanted to suddenly talk to him out of nowhere? No, sounds sketchy. "No, please leave now."

"Oh...okay, yeah. Stiles is probably getting annoyed at me anyways." He said walking out the room and towards stiles.

Since that day forward, James started drifting away from stiles and Scott and more towards Jason. Being there for him, listening to his different science stuff, even learning about the reason he and his brother are no longer close(which angered James to no end).

James was pretty much Jason's first genuine friend, someone who he could be himself around and just talk to about anything.

James tore his eyes away from the plastic stars on the ceiling and looked towards Jason who was fast asleep.

Getting up, James quickly grabbed some comfortable clothing and tried to wake up Jason. "Change into your pajamas."

He only got an irritated groan in response, "no."

"Jase'," he warned, "don't make me change you myself."

Jason's arms went up sleepily, making James choke on his own spit in shock. After calming down the male quickly changed his friend and put him under the covers, "that was super weird but I feel like we just hit the next level in our friendship."

Jason just sleepily hummed, not bothering to open his eyes.

"Night jase'."

Wowiwkwkskejrj it's been a thousand years since I updated. Ive been kinda down and upset for a couple months now and writing was my go-to to get out of it but I've kinda had reaaaallly bad writers block as well and then every time I tried to write something I would just get frustrated and delete everything cause it wasn't to my liking. This chapter had probably been sitting in my drafts for maybe a month now half finished.

I decided it should just try and I did. I wrote this and I'm not looking back on it unless I'll end up hating it... so if you see any mistakes feel free to point them out.

Thank you guys for supporting this story as well as my other story RUN, it really means a lot to me and I love reading the comments. All of your comments are the reason I decided to just stop being a lil baby and just write and put something out, sorry if it's bad but I tried lol!

—Kai ❤️

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