A Sign of Hope

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Never knowing what love is until it hits you. It's hard and painful. It's not like getting hit softly with the feeling of love. It's like getting hit like a bullet. Painful and it burns like hell... Fighting through the pain is hard. But Bakugou has learn to deal with it. Especially when Shinso moved to class 1-A. The heartache didn't stop from there. It was getting harder and harder to hide. The fast that Bakugou... Katsuki Bakugou had fallen in love with his stupid friend... Denki Kaminari.

Yeah it felt dumb to Bakugou at first. But when he read through the lines he didn't know what to do. He felt dumb and like he was stranded on an island... The great Katsuki Bakugou was brought down by Denki Kaminari... Or his feelings for the boy that is. Bakugou was never good in the feeling compartment. Anyone could see that. But when it came to dealing with it. It was even harder than realizing the feelings are there in the first place. But Bakugou never lost. That wasn't going to change because of some stupid highschool crush.

Well... It's wasn't supposed to change.

A few days later Bakugou was sent on a mission with a Pro hero. It was a good break for the boy. He was actually glad that the pro hero asked him out for a mission. It was a good way to get away from school. From him... He was fighting pretty well and he took out most of the bad guys. It wasn't until he was approached by the big boss... That's when he was stopped in his tracks. He didn't plan it out. Like he did that anyways. He didn't even ask about the Villains quirk.

The villains name was Black Orchid. Like Bakugou cares anyways. But her looks is what caught the boy's eyes. Her hair was bright red and was let down behind her. She wore a totally black bodysuit that was cut in a few revealing places. But her face is what caught Bakugou's attention. Or at least what seemed to be covering it. She wore black lipstick and on her face were black orchids. Her eyes were obscured behind the dark yet beautiful flowers. She was the same age as Bakugou.

"Hello Ground Zero... I know you're here to stop me. But I thoroughly you only work with big pro heroes. I never thought you would partner up with this company. Pretty low for your standards... Don't you think?" The villain asked and Bakugou just shot her a glare but didn't say a word.

"Fuck off," Bakugou simply said letting some explosions light in his hands as he kept his eyes on the villain in front of him. He didn't know the quirk yet. But he had an itching feeling it had something to do with those stupid flowers. They were surrounding the whole battlefield.

We're they closer to him than before?

"Short for words aren't you Ground Zero? Or should I say Bakugou? Katsuki Bakugou? I know you boy. I used to go to UA. You just never saw me. I actually started to take a liking to you. But I saw you had your eyes on someone else," The girl said and Bakugou let his breath catch in his throat.


"You don't know anything about me!" Bakugou yelled back at her. He just needed to wait. The pro heroes would be there to help him soon. No way there wasn't a huge big shot that wouldn't help him. Right?

They were coming... Right?

"Oh but I do. Does Kaminari ring a bell? I was going to go for him. But now that you're here in the flesh? The is even better than before! Why don't you join me? You'll never get together with that stupid charger anyways," Black Orchid said making Bakugou growl.

"Leave him out of this. It's not his fault. So don't pull him into this. He has nothing to do with this so leave him alone. Just you and me.Those are the only people who are going to walk away from this and forget it ever happened," Bakugou said. He was trying to hold his ground. But she knew how to push his buttons.

"How about this? If you don't some with me... Then I'll beat you up here. Then you'll meet your little boyfriend in the afterlife. That's if you don't go to hell," The girl said with a smirk and Bakugou lost his cool.

He tried to lunge forward...

Key word tried.

Something grabbed his ankle and he was pulled to the ground. Black vines were wrapping around his ankles and and climbing up his legs. Bakugou kept kicking and setting off bursts of energy from his hands. But nothing seemed to work. By the time Bakugou freed one of his feet the vines had got a hold of his torso.

"Fucking... Damn it! Let me go!" Bakugou said as he pushed himself on his back trying to get away from the plant that seemed to be consuming him.

He felt the new grown thorns picking into his skin. Fresh blood flooding down his legs and arms. He started to lose his cool. Explosions were getting harder to control and would set off randomly. Bakugou thought that was it. Until he felt something poke into the back of his neck. It was deeper than any thorn had gotten. Bakugou had to hold back a scream. No way was he giving in now.

"We'll see how much you love that boy... and we'll also see how much he loves you. Good luck Bakugou. You're going to need it," Black Orchid said and jumped on top of a nearby building soon disappearing into the night sky.

"Damn it..." Was all Bakugou could say as the burning at the back of his neck didn't back down and the vines held on tightly with their thorns to his skin.

All he could do was lay there. It wasn't like someone was going to come. He had been dumb. As soon as he saw a group of villains he had ran. He didn't listen to the pro heroes. He had been stupid. Stuck in the moment. Like always he was stubborn. Bakugou could see that. Running into danger with reckless abandon. Now it was back to bite him.

The vines held on tighter. Constricting the boy until he could barely breathe. He let out a strangled groan as he curled in on himself. The thorns dug deeper into his skin and the throbbing in the back of his neck has yet to disappear. All he could do was curl up in pain. He felt weak. He felt useless. He didn't know what to do. He felt lost.

Two hours... Two hours Bakugou spent lying on the ground getting crushed between thorny vines. Two hours he was in pain and the throbbing in his neck had stretched to his head and throat. He had trouble breathing and once in awhile he had a coughing fit. He couldn't handle it anymore. He let out a cry. Full of frustration and pain. His eyes twisted shut and he tried to curl in further. But the vines soon constricted any movement.

"Bakugou!" He heard someone yell and the sudden yell ripped through the silence like a bullet.

Bakugou looked up to see his home room teacher. Aziawa looked down and saw his student broke and bleeding. They had got caught in some rubble and couldn't find Bakugou. It took them so long to track the boy down that this was the state he was left it. Aziawa pushes away the guilt and sadness and kneeled down next to Bakugou with a sigh.

He took the ash blonde into his arms and watched as the vines crumbled around him. Aziawa was able to pull the boy away from all the sharp thorns that were covered in dry blood. Aziawa checked Bakugou for any more wounds and when his hand reached behind his head his fingers brushed against something. It was a yellow flower that had dried blood in the center of it.

It was a yellow Dahlia... A sigh of hope.

Something that Bakugou really needed right now.

He soon felt himself being lifted by his teacher and brought through the trashed alleyway. He was then lifted into an ambulance. He didn't know when he arrived at the hospital. He had passed out as soon as his body touched the warm hospital stretcher.

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