The light

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"Hey Grandpa, can you tell me a story about the war?" Joey asked looking up at his grandfather with puppy dog eyes. He loved hearing his grandpa tell him stories about the war. He wanted to know as many stories about his father's experience as possible. His grandfather looked tired but agreed.

"Before I became a soldier, I worked at a shop afterschool to earn some extra money." Edward said looking down at his grandson who was now finally off his phone.

"When I was about 17, so your age. The war began." He said looking out the window as if that might help him remember. Joey's grandfather couldn't see very well, and the window had nothing exciting outside.

"The German army were recruiting as many people as possible to fight for their country. My father was one of the lucky ones who couldn't go, because he owned a timber shop. Instead I went to join because I was coming on 18 and I was very strong back then. I joined the army with a friend of mine named Liam. We both joined and got our uniforms, food, water and supplies to get us through the week. – If we would even last that long.- Liam also worked at the grocery store with me, he loved meeting new people, however he can be quite intimidating due to his large muscles." Edward said still looking outside.


"Come on Edward! Stop daydreaming and hurry up!" Liam yelled. I pushed my legs even harder off the ground propelling myself further forward to try and catch up to Liam. I had an extra 8kg on my body of supplies, food and water. Liam was the leader of the two of us. I could see him duck every time he heard a gunshot.

"I see something up ahead! We'll stop there and grab a drink!" Liam shouted panting. I squinted to try and see what he was talking about. I saw the figure of a limp body crouched next to the wall. I sprinted towards the man hoping it wasn't too late.

I reached the man. He smelled terrible. It was too late. Liam caught up to me while I was rummaging through his things. I had to find what I was looking for. I found a skin of water and filled both Liam's and mine. But I still couldn't find what I was looking for. I kept feeling around in the dark. I felt something metal. I'd found it! I turned on the torch which illuminated the area we were in. The light made me feel safe. But I knew I couldn't keep it on.

"Shame this guy didn't make it." I said drinking some water. I see Liam start to move away from the body. We both break back into a run and continue our mission. I hear a gunshot. I then hear a blood-curdling scream from up ahead. That's Liam's scream! I know his scream. It's high pitched and low at the same time. I hide behind Liam's aching body. I grab my gun and shoot the only way I can. Ahead. I hear another scream. I must've hit, bullseye. I turn the torch on to check his injuries. Shot right through the leg. I turn the torch off. I will never be able to un-see that horrible sight. I put both my gun and torch on my belt.

"Edward, go! Go on without me! Go find help!" Liam whispers clutching his leg shivering with pain. I know I should leave him. But I can't.

"No man gets left behind!" I shout at Liam standing up. I help him up then I lift him and carry him around my shoulders. He weighs a lot. But it's not too much, so I can still run. I need to run for Liam. I need to find the light for Liam. I need to stay alive for Liam. I keep an even pace all the way hoping that he is semi-comfortable. I start to see a spot. A small shimmer of light up ahead.

"I did it Liam!" I shout rejoicing. No response. I look over my shoulder at a white, unresponsive face.

"Liam?" I whisper looking at the body.

"Liam!!" I shout. I found the light without him. I took too long. It was too late for him.


"Woah." Joey said looking at his grandfather. His grandfather was still looking out the window, his eyes were glazed over, and his expression was sad.

"The war was tough for everyone my boy." Edward said finally. He sniffled and looked back at his grandson. Joey had never had more respect for anyone in his life. He learnt that day that even though someone may look happy it doesn't mean that they are. You never know what someone has been or is going through. Always be respectful.

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