Coming Home

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        Padme saw the gondala from across the lake. Its smooth shape glided slowly across the water which was reflecting the sunset like a mirror. There was nothing special about the little boat itself but Padme held her breath as she watched from the balcony. That gondala was carrying her husband back to her.

        From the moment she had recieved the terrifying message that Anakin was in critical condition from a blaster shot on Felucia to the moment she learned that he was coming home, Padme had prayed that he would be okay. Now he was coming back and she wanted nothing more than to look into his ocean blue eyes and hear his sweet voice. The last time she had seen Anakin, he had told her that their love would keep him safe. That it would protect him. But somehow she hadn't completely believed him until now.

        At last, the little watercraft reached the dock of the lodge and the only thing that kept Padme from running down to meet him was the knot growing in her stomach. She didn't know how she would be able to look at her wounded husband. The medical analysis indicated a fractured shoulder blade and severe blood-loss.There would be scars too. Padme swallowed as a figure came up the steps of the villa. To her displeasure, it wasn't Anakin.

        "Senator Amidala," a uniformed man began, "I'm sorry to tell you that General Anakin Skywalker could not make it today." Padme stared the man down. His features with discomfort. "Why not?" she asked with tight lips. The man searched for an answer, "His um, request was vetoed by the Jedi Council to spend his leave on Naboo. It is my instruction to deliver his most sincere apology, M'lady," the official added awkwardly. Padme bit her lip to keep from lashing out at the innocent deliverer of sympathy. "This is ridiculous! How could they do that?" she complained. Anakin was supossed to be here. With her.

        The man wrung his hands together, "I am very sorry, Senator, but that information was not revealed to me. General Skywalker immediatly left after giving me instruction to inform you of the alteration of plans. he seemed rather put-out." Padme stared over the lake in disgust. Not kidding. She forced down the urge to lose her cool in front of the man but she was rather put-out herself. Anakin deserved a leave wherever he wanted. The Council was so restricted sometimes and Padme was beginning to understand her husband's indignant feelings toward them. The officer stood in front of her no longer than a minute before bowing and starting down the stairs, "Good day M'lady," he muttered. Padme breathed in ridgedly as she watched the gondala return to the mainland.

        When she didn't feel like eating dinner, Padme's handmaidens began wondering if she was okay. She waved them all away while she layed in her room with a pillow clenched between her fists. It was late before her initial rage subsided into heavy loneliness. She had taken her vacation time with the intention to spend it with Anakin and who knew when she would get another. Being the secret wife of a Jedi was becoming more difficult every minute.

        Padme shook her head and decided she would use her next two weeks of solitude to catch up on her sleep. She closed the two large doors that opened up to her bedroom's balcony and pulled on a stark white nightgown. She flicked off the light in her room and buried her face in the immense pile of pillows on her bed. Minutes pasted by like hours and hours like years. It wasn't long before a faint wrapping noise sounded through the pillows around Padme's ears. She slowly rose her head and turned toward the hallway door. "Yes?" she replied. There was no answer.

        Padme groaned and pulled herself out of her comfortable position to turn on her light and open the door. But when she opened it, the hall was empty and silent. "Padme... Padme it's me..." a whisper echoed behind her. Padme closed the door and turned toward her balcony window. A tall silouhette outside her room knocked again and a smile crossed her startled face. "Padme, can you please open the door?" Anakin asked impatiently. Padme grinned and flew to the door. She pulled them open and saw her husband standing in the moonlight with crutches supporting his body. "Anakin!" she exclaimed in suprise. He smiled weakly, "Were you expecting someone else?"

        Padme tilted her head and looked up with a sparkle in  her eye, "I wasn't expecting anyone after what happened with the Council..." Anakin rolled his eyes, "They don't exactly know about this. I may have left without telling them. Can you keep a secret?" he teased. Padme moved closer to him, "I've been  doing pretty good keeping secrets lately," she replied.

        She weaved her fingers around Anakin's neck but he cringed in pain. Padme pulled away, "I'm sorry! Are you okay Ani?" she asked tenderly. Anakin smiled with reassurance, "Are you kidding? I feel like a million credits," he said trying to ease his wife's worry. Using his crutches, he hopped inside toward the bed, "Just a little fun with our friends the Separatists." Padme helped him settle onto the bed and set his crutches aside. She sat on the edge on the bed and looked into his eyes, "I was worried about you Anakin," she said seriously. Anakin's eyes shimmered like diamonds, "I'm okay. Okay?" he insisted. Padme forced a smile and leaned forward to give him a kiss. But just as she lightly touched Anakin's he flinched with pain. Padme sat up straight and stared at him with concern. The fake smile across his face caused him to release a shaky breath. Padme suddenly reached around his hips and grabbed the hem of his shirt. "Padme I- ow!" he whimpered. She ignored him and continued removing his shirt with no intended gentleness. She forced up his arms which made Anakin yelp in anguish. When his whtie tunic was finally over his head, Padme gasped.

         Without even looking at his back, she saw the mark of blaster that had gone right through his right shoulder. A spot the size of a bottle's neck showed his injury. "Padme, I'm fine now. It's just a scar," Anakin protested softly. Padme shook her head and stared at the wound, "Show me your back," she demanded quietly. The edge in her voice caught Anakin by surprise and he did as she said. Slowly, he turned to reveal a wound much worse than the one on his chest. Although only the scar remained, Padme imagined the horror of its original state all too clearly. Stitches and scars covered the entire half of his back. It must have been some blaster. My poor Anakin... she thought. Anakin breathed out, "They said it was a miracle that I lived," he admitted. Padme raised her hand hesitantly and traced the scars along his muscles. His skin was warm but she hadn't realized how pale he had become until her skin was against his. After a long moment, Anakin turned back around. Every tiny motion was followed by a wince until he was finally leaning up against the head of the bed.

        "Other guys would have died from  the blood loss. From the pain..." he said with something thick in his voice. Padme leaned in close without touching any part of his body. He tilted back his head and inhaled with more effort than usual. "But other guys didn't have you..." he added under his breath. Padme searched his eyes passionately. They were full of electrifying emotion that almost hypnotized her. Anakin released his  breathe steadily and a smile grew on his intense features. "I almost forgot," he murmured, "I can see your star from Ansion, I can see it from Felucia," he swallowed as if the words were choking him,

         "I won... and I would like to collect my prize."

        Padme couldn't help but smile back. Carefully, she closed the distance between their lips and felt her spine tingle with the pleasure of his touch. His lips were sweet and his face felt hot like the blood returned to his face all at once. Padme closed her eys and gently rested her hands on his chest so he wouldn't flinch or grimace. When she finally broke the kiss, Anakin grasped for a long breath. She ran her fingers through his golden hair and felt her heartbeat thump loudly. She had missed him so much that being with him again was almost intoxicating. But that was just one of the many things she would learn to love about Anakin Skywalker.

        "Anakin," she whispered as she set her head against his strong chest. Anakin found the strength to wrap an arm around her and hold her close, "Yes?" Padme closed her eyes again, "You'll always be my favorite star..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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Under The Stars 4: The Final Episode of this Anakin and Padme Fanfic SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now