Chapter 1

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Our story begins inside of a Nocturnian facility, bay 13, sector 3, section 67.  A Nocturnian trooper is standing beside a young woman.  This woman, like so many others, has been asked to log her everyday life into a small recording system. 
"What should I say?" the young woman asked the trooper next to her.
"Just state your name, where you live, and your citizen ID.  Oh, and specific."
Log 1: August 4th, 2077
"Hello, my name is Kera Everett.  I live in...The Capitol City of Ordeathius, the Agricultural City, Sector 189, Section 91, Community 14, 7796 Pillio Avenue, Apartment 3D.  My citizen ID is 22890349048.  I have been asked to make this log every day to keep track of myself and so the troopers will be able to.  Thank you."
"Ok," the trooper said, "That's all we need."  Please make your way back to the hanger and exit through the lift."
"Ok, thanks."
"Oh and, don't forget this."  The trooper stopped her and gave her the recording device.  "You'll need this for the next recordings."
"Oh, alright, well..."

Kera made her way out of the recording room and down a hallway.  Troopers were walking up and down the hall, weapons in hands and eyes alert.  Their white armor glimmered in the passage's light and their hidden weaponry was revealed, intimidating Kera.  The troopers saw her and watched her continue her journey to the lift.  Kera began to feel slightly anxious, considering the troopers were twice as tall as her, and she wasn't armed.  Not that they would attack her, probably because they were her "protection", but still...they were watchful.  As Kera kept moving, she noticed more and more of the equipment surrounding her.  Mostly large black metal boxes, all with a foreign language labeled across them that the Nocturnians had introduced after the war.  There was also a large variety of motionless, black androids scattered against the passage's walls, that had been placed into a barrier of some sort.  Kera had always wanted an android, and finally, she had bought one to help clean her apartment.  It did its job for sure but was rather pushy about redecorating her living space and downloading new software to help support its intelligence.  She needed help though, even in a tiny apartment.  But, the androids in the wall barrier were certainly nothing like her's.  They had deep white eyes and stood much taller than her.  They showed no warmth at all, but darkness, bearing in mind that they all carried a pistol.  Attack androids, and quite expensive too.  The Nocturnian government-enforced androids were stationed at every entrance, exit, closing, and opening.  They were said to "protect" each Capitol City, but it's not like there were troopers there already keeping guard.

  As Kera took her eyes off of the androids however, she noticed the troopers still observing her, even if their faces were hidden by white and black helmets.  Kera flipped around quickly, avoiding their glares, and made her way to the lift at the end of the hall.  When she had reached it, watched or not, the lift opened automatically.  Kera stepped inside, not looking at the troopers, and pressed the button for the exit floor.  As the lift doors fastened shut, Kera noticed that the back of the lift was made of glass, and she could see the entire Nocturnian facility in front of her.  The facility was seemingly endless.  Many, many floors, continuing rooms, and eternal halls.  There were innumerable amounts of weaponry, troopers, and many RI (Ravenous Investigorial) fighter class ships placed in holders along the sides of numerous hangers.  Troopers and officers were placed around every section of the facility and from the looks of it all, there must have been thousands of troops stationed in the area.  The Nocturnians were known for their heavy numbers.  That's how they captured Connex, with enormous force.  Not only that but their heavy Capitol ships.  The largest ships out of four million systems and four hundred thousand different forces.  Capital ships were called Downfalls but were nicknamed "Flying Deaths" by the inhabitants of each planet captured by the Nocturnians.  The Nocturnians had come in 2029 and battled for the planet.  Many other forces were seeking it, especially for its natural resources.  Then in 2035, the Nocturnians won the planet Connex and many other planets orbiting it.  Connex became part of the Pallasian system, along with the planets Dothofore, Halla, Massidelle, and Kishmare.  With the Nocturnians help, Connex became one of the most valuable planets in the history of Utopian systems.  With trading, exploration, natural resources, and the litholium stronghold development, the Nocturnians benefited immensely.  Today in 2077, the Nocturnians control 350,000 systems.  Far more than any of its opponents ever had before.

Kera stepped off the lift, looking at no one, and walked over to one of the exits in the bay.  She kept on her pace, noticing many troopers, a small android cleaning one of the walls, and a group of Nocturnian officers chatting about a certain political indifference in which each of them had their own opinions towards.  The bay was extremely crowded, making it hard for Kera to find her way out.  She did find all the bustle quite interesting though.  She silently watched cargo ships fly in and out, landing and unloading millions of dollars worth of paraphernalia, armor, and industrial regalia.  The Nocturnians either produced all these supplies themselves from the factories of the Capitol City of Barren or had them shipped in from neighboring planets.  Income was certainly important to the Nocturnian empire, making it one of the best.  Even though the commanding Empress of the empire had the most control over arriving funds, with multifarious riches in her hands, she still used most of it to support the Capitol cities and surrounding city-towns.  Kera made her way to the exit finally and stepped out.  As she did so, the Connexian sun gleamed on her white skin, warming her insides.  A feeling of a new degree.  She always adored this feeling, especially since the Downfalls blocked the sun for many untold hours.  But, just like that, the sun was gone and triangular shadows fell upon the planet.  She looked up at the sky to find not only the glorious sun but many large Downfall ships, creating a barrier.

"So much for the sun," she said sighing slightly.  The Downfalls had rained their dark shadows across the area, killing her mood.  Kera thought only of the Downfalls as the "pestilences of the sky," which that they were.  As large triangular battleships of all sizes, loaded with weaponry, and incessant amounts of firepower, order could surely be enforced with ease.  Kera only thought of this as such a waste.  Slowly, she trudged off from the facility sight, cursing the Downfalls, traveling in the direction of her section.  Escaping the sun blockage would be good for her, and for the place she inhabited.  The Capitol City in which she lived was named Ordeathius, specializing in agriculture.  Kera was no farmer of course, but she did study plant life in her college courses.  She had always done this, and she had never been to any of the other cities.  There were four Capitol cities on the planet Connex.  Barren, the factory city, Ren, the military city, Ordeathius, the agriculture city, and Pallias, the main Capitol City.  Each capitol had many towns and cities surrounding them, every city connected by order.  The Nocturnians had invented the Capitol City system, ruled by their mighty empress.  It was created to establish perfect order, even if the human race wasn't perfect.  Kera was fine with the arrangement, considering it put people in their places.  She lived peacefully with her boyfriend Somak, who couldn't live without her.  He loved her just as much as she loved him, even if they weren't the same class.  Of course, now that she had purchased a new android for her home, live became simplistic and unstressful, especially for Somak.  Leaving the facility grounds she passed into the bustling life of Ordeathius.  With neon lights, high, geometric buildings, and the plant life of a million species, this city truly was the "green haven" as it was called.  Kera loved this city, and could not imagine herself in another place.  It was familiar, as far as homes go, and a definite display of peace.  But, not everything is peaceful.

As a result of rising crime and not enough punishment, the Nocturnian government conceived a special pestilence, to keep order.  Not any sort of disease, or pious upholding.  No, it was an elite force of Nocturnian troopers called Deathens.  They were the highest rank of military might and by far the strongest.  They were ruthless, ravenous beings that removed any sort of discrepancies that invited themselves into the ranks of the Nocturnian empire.  Kera had never really had any confabs with Deathens, though she had seen them her entire life.  But, the only truly disturbing experience was at a public execution.  A sullent (military officer) had defied the Nocturnian order and murdered one of the Imperial inquisitors.  The inquisitor had reinstated a law that binds people to their money status for life.  That law according to the sullent, was a high delusion and incompetence, directly offending the poor and raising the wealthy.  She did not meet eye to eye with him and passed the law anyway.  But, the sullent was less sain than he appeared, was largely understated in a court of law.  He murdered the inquisitor, cutting out her eyes, and decapitating her, only to place the remains inside of her high-tower office.  He was discovered guilty of the crime, placed in a penitentiary, and was to be executed at sunrise two weeks later.  Kera sadly had the misfortune to have been invited to such affairs, according to her mother's incessant demands towards it.  Her mother stated that it would "be an altering experience" and would benefit her citizenship.  Kera tried to decline, but couldn't.  Her mother insisted on it.  Kera only intended to watch for a few seconds, she was kind of squeamish, especially for death...and Deathens.  But, once she had arrived...she couldn't take her eyes off it.  The sullent in question was placed on a metal table and had been tied down to it.  He looked happy and his mind had given up on him.  Two Deathens were placed next to him, electrically-charged staffs in hands, menacing figures and all, their blackened armor shining in the rising sun.  Kera's first impression of the Deathens was two tall, black demons, holding the keys to hell in their hands.  She could not see where they were looking because their black helmets had blocked their eye paths, creating only a sense of being watched.  The Deathens did not move, but stayed perfectly still for the entirety of the entering stage.  When everybody had arrived who should have, they began with a hearing.  An officer dressed in black, carrying a transparent maglev screen, walked up to where the sullent was tied and began to read words off the screen.  
"Today...We gather, in the center of the Ordeathian world, inside of the Connexian Utopia, to witness and commence...The execution of Former Nocturnian Sullent, Arson Overlex...For his gruesome, unspeakable, and loathsome fallacies against our noble regime.  He, two weeks ago...Murdered the Arch Imperial Inquisitor, Mara Constallius...for something as important as the enhancement of certain financial laws in order to better the serving public.

"Even though...the Inquisitor's beliefs could be argued with to an indisposing degree...She still made a law, in spite of so many disagreements, and was able to pass it...through means of her boundless intelligence...which proves exactly what our empire is capable of us...felt...differently.  Mr. Overlex was to the undegradable level of pure insanity, something we hope never to reach here...And through his erroneous actions...she has died...He, not believing, accused her off discrepancies and delusions, which we here have definitely do NOT STAND FOR!...And never shall we...Bearing in mind that he was a sullent...An appointed official, who...with his power...USED IT against us, treacherously...THEREFORE, he shall be...what we here call...Lacerated."
At that moment, three more Deathens made their way to the tied sullent.  The original two stood back, weapons still in hands.  The three troopers that had stepped forward, drew out large, black blades, and stood close to the sullent.  The officer spoke up again.
"Now, we...this nation, shall fix the major flaw, in which we reside most obliviously."  He gestured towards the Deathens.  "Continue."
The Deathens slowly pestered forward towards their newest victim.  The sullent looked not at all phased in any way, but rather...happy.  Kera only watched with a solemn expression, waiting for the striking tone.  The Deathens continued to approach the sullent, blades in hands and figures tall.  The three lined up alongside the sullent, one at his legs, one at his head, and one at his waist.  

Instantly, the Deathens plunged their blades into the body of the sullent, splattering blood across their black helmets and their mighty swords.  The crowd watching winched at the sight.  Blood flowed continuously down from the table where the sullent was once whole.   The Deathens then ripped their swords out of the flesh, revealing that they had cut the sullent into fourths.  They stood and stared at the body, or what was left of it.  Laughing smugly and slightly,  grabbing cloths from their armor, the Deathens wiped their swords clean of the blood and thrust them back into their sheaths.  Kera almost threw up from the sight.  There was the undeniable smell of fresh blood running down the podium in which the Deathens stood.     

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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