One Chapter Ends

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Zandra could not believe the time had finally come, the night of the full moon was here and the ritual was to be complete. Bonnie had volunteered to do the spell, to help with the ritual but Zandra hadn't trusted her plus with her being the Warrior she had the perks of magical powers without it's drawbacks which meant she could perform the spell. She looked at the three beings in the circles and seeing them made it more real but this had to be done so that an even greater evil could be stopped once and for all.

"It's time," Zandra said as she heard Esther guide her though she wasn't going to tell Klaus or Elijah that fact.

"Show time," Klaus smirked walking to the wolf first.

The wolf had been a rogue who took pleasure in killing as many people as it could including children. This was one supernatural being she wasn't going to mind dying. Zandra closed her eyes as Klaus killed the man and then opened them back up when she knew the first part had worked. Next came a kill that a part of Zandra took pleasure in, the vampire kill. Katherine had not only been tortured but she was now going to be the vampire sacrifice which was fitting since she had set this all into motion. Zandra watched this time as Klaus killed Katherine and though it didn't bring immediate pleasure Zandra knew that she was going to sleep better knowing that Katherine couldn't hurt anybody anymore. Now came the last part of the spell, the blood of a human doppelganger.

"Remember who she is," Zandra warned as Esther's ghost guided her with a smile.

"Let's get this over with," Elena stated glaring at them and Zandra just was too tired to fight with her.

When Klaus finally finished drinking Elena of all her blood Stefan came to take away the body of her sister. Zandra could feel magic shift and knew that Klaus was now a hybrid and she watched as he turned into a wolf and ran off. Little did Klaus know but Zandra had put a small little spell over the territory making it impossible for him to kill. Zandra felt the air around her shift and she groaned as she felt faint knowing it was from exhaustion. An arm wrapped around her waist and she leaned into it knowing that it was Elijah and that she was now safe, at least until Mikael came about.

~Zandra Saltzman~

The next day Zandra woke up alone which was to be expected since Elijah had to deal with Klaus and make sure he was okay. Speaking of siblings, Elena had called her yelling about how Klaus hadn't been gentle and Zandra wanted to bang her head in because really there was nothing she could do about that. Instead Zandra was spending the day shopping with Caroline and judging from her blonde friend's glee she knew she was in for a new wardrobe. She still hadn't told her blonde friend that Elijah and her planned on traveling for the next few months before settling somewhere.

The courage to tell the people she cared about her plans came later that day when all of them were gathered around the Grill for lunch. Tyler and her father sat on one side laughing about football to which she just rolled her eyes while Caroline babbled on to her about fashion. She smiled because this was her family right here and they were happy. Granted it was perfect and there was still the danger of Mikael to worry about but still her family was for the most part safe and happy. Zandra still felt a bang in her heart about her mother but the point of the whole ordeal wasn't that she lost her mother it was that she had a mother who loved her very much and she wasn't taking anything for granted ever again.

"I'm traveling with Elijah before we settle somewhere," Zandra blurted out and silence followed for a few minutes before her father started talking.

"Congratulations kiddo," Alaric said to her then turned to both Caroline and Tyler, "I told you two and now you both owe me a hundred dollars each."

"You bet on this," Zandra said shocked but not knowing why because that is something they would so do.

"Of course we bet on this," Tyler said rolling his eyes and handing her father a hundred dollars.

"We're family and family takes great pleasure in making money off of you," Caroline said, "or losing it in my case."

"Am I interrupting?" Elijah's voice asked and Zandra turned to see him standing there with a smile on his face and she knew he heard.

"No you are not in fact I have something to tell you," Alaric said glaring, "you hurt my daughter and Original or not I will find a way to kill you."

"Dad!" Zandra shouted.

"He will also have the backup of a vampire," Caroline glared crossing her arms.

"Don't forget the werewolf," Tyler said with a smirk.

"I understand and if I do I will help," Elijah said though Zandra knew he was really laughing on the inside.

Laughter filled the air once again and Caroline scooted over so that Elijah could fit into the booth. His arm wrapped around her and she leaned back as she took in the people she cared about. Her father started talking to Elijah about history while Tyler occasionally interrupted with a comment about football and Zandra listened as Caroline told of all the places she would like to visit someday. The threat of Mikael still loomed and they knew it but in this moment her family was happy, whole for the most part, and safe and that was all that mattered to her.

~Zandra Saltzman~

The fates cheered for the Warrior and the first part of her destiny that she completed. She found her mate, lost someone important to her but overcame it and broke the hybrid's curse. All of these things would help the girl defeat Mikael though the rest of the Originals needed to be undaggered to help but that could come at a later time. The fates decided that since the threat of Mikael was not immediate they would let the girl and her mate have peace for a month or two but after that the second part of her destiny must unfold or there would be unforeseen consequences for everyone involved.

Zandra Saltzman: Destiny (Vampire Diaries/Elijah Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now