legosi x fem reader

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[y/n = your name]
[b/n = beast name]
[e/c = eye color]
[f/c = fur color]

legosi's eyes trained on the new recruit of the drama club. she was a(n) b/n with e/c eyes and f/c fur. he hasn't had a chance to speak to her, not that he really wanted to. well, more of he wasn't prepared to.

you see, she recently got the lead female role in the academy's upcoming play. (louis of course earning the lead male role per usual.) although she just recently joined, her performance at auditions immediately captivated all who were judging.

legosi's train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a feminine voice, "excuse me, legosi-kun, right..?"

legosi's eyes practically bulged out of his skull as he jumped in surprise, "u-uhm-! yeah.. can i help you..?" he slowly tilts his head down, looking at y/n. "can we talk after club? i need your opinion on something! it won't take long i swear," she smiles, but soon after jolts at the shrill voice of an underclassmen attempting to grab her attention, "y/n-chaaaaaan~! come help me with the lines in act three!" "okay! i'll be right there," she responds before sending legosi a smile. she then runs off, leaving the wolf confused.

eventually club activities end and legosi is patiently waiting for y/n. his thoughts racing over what she could possibly want his opinion of. lighting? probable. maybe her monologue in act four she's been visibly concerned over? her costume- "legosi-kun! oh i'm sorry i made you wait this long..!" legosi looks down at her, clearly she rushed out of the changing rooms. hell, her uniform tie wasn't even straight. out of instinct legosi leans down and straightens it. as soon as he stands back up, he realizes his invasion of y/n's personal space. his words jumble together as he frantically apologizes, "A-AH! i'm sorry— y-your tie was crooked and i-" he feels a hand rest on one of his wildly gesturing arms, ceasing their actions. "legosi-kun, it's okay, no worries," she sweetly smiles up at him, a faint blush dusting her cheeks, "anyways, i just wanted to know your opinion on sugar cookies!"

"sugar.. cookies..?"


"well uhm.. it's been awhile since i have had one, actually. i remember them tasting good though."

y/n's face lights up at this, "i've been planning on bringing some in! y'know, to celebrate the club's hard work these past couple of days!" for some reason, legosi's heart skips a beat at the sight of her expression, "that's really kind of you. i'm sure everyone will enjoy them."

legosi then walks y/n back to her dorm. she sends him a smile and wave before heading inside. he too returns to his dorm and quickly heads to bed.

after that encounter, legosi has noticed y/n's presence around the school a lot more often. in fact, he sees her everywhere. who knew they shared a lunch period? speaking of lunch, it's time for that. legosi sits down at his usual table with his favorite lunch, an egg sandwich.

he occasionally adds to the lively conversation around him. however he can't help but notice a certain b/n sitting by herself. she's eating and egg sandwich herself, along with a carton of milk to drink.

legosi himself is confused as to why he saw this as an opportunity of conversation. he is even more bewildered at the fact he chose to take it. he quickly excuses himself from the table and approaches the unsuspecting female.

"h-hey, y/n-san."

she jumps slightly and tilts her head up to meet his gaze, "o-oh! legosi-kun! i didn't know you had this lunch period.."

"is this seat taken..?" he askes, pointing towards the empty seat in front of her.

"nope, take a seat!"

an awkward silence soon begins, legosi's palms sweating as he avoids eye contact, out of nowhere, he breaks the silence by blurting out, "s-so uhm-! you like egg sandwiches too?!" y/n speaks into her sandwich, "yeah, they're the best on wednesdays."

(unbeknownst to them, this sentence causes one of the nearby chicken students to squeal in joy. )

legosi's eyes widen at this, "you taste the difference too? my friend rags on me because he thinks i'm making things up." to which y/n replies, "there's a difference in the taste i can't describe but i'm glad someone else gets it," she smiles. legosi naturally sends a smile back, which clearly brings her joy. before they can savor the moment more, jack calls for legosi to come back. legosi waves as he walks off, "i gotta go, i'll see you later at club."

jack elbows legosi, "so who's that, huh~? i've never seen you hold a solid conversation with a girl before! is she nice?"

legosi hums, "oh.. that's y/n-san, she's in drama with me, and yeah she's nice." jack's expression flashes with recognition, "i remember! she's the lead in the play! bill has been talking a lot about her recently."
legosi nods but is taken off guard, immediately recognizing the name of the tiger, "bill talks about her?" jack nods as they walk to class, "yeah, aaaaall the time.. it's kinda weird actually!" legosi silently stares down at his feet, deep in thought for the rest of the journey.

once again, it's time for drama club. as legosi enters the room, his nostrils are filled with the appetizing aroma of fresh sugar cookies. he scans the room to see everyone happily chatting and each munching on their cookies. even louis is enjoying one.

y/n quickly bounds up to legosi with a pastel blue handkerchief in hand. "legosi-kun, here you go!" she holds out the bundled up handkerchief to him. legosi gently takes it, unraveling the delicate fabric to reveal three sugar cookies, each individually decorated. "thank you.. are these the cookies you were talking about?" y/n nods happily, "yep," she then ushers legosi to lean down with her hand. he does so and she cups her hands around her mouth, whispering into his ear, "don't tell anyone i gave you an extra one. you totally deserved it!" legosi can feel his cheeks warm in response to her gesture and voice, "o-okay.. i'm still confused as to why you needed my opinion for this in the first place."

y/n comically gasps, causing legosi to jump. she places her hands on her hips, "legosi-kun, you always work really hard and no one ever acknowledges it!" legosi nervously scratches the back of his neck, "but i'm just part of the crew.. i'm not even on the acting team.."

"without the crew, the acting team couldn't possibly preform a successful production!"

"i'm just work the lights, my opinion isn't that important, y/n-san.."

"hey! i value your opinion. anyways, you've been working hard so please, take a break and enjoy yourself a little. by the way, call me y/n-chan, we're friends aren't we?" y/n gives legosi a heartfelt smile and then walks off.

legosi watches her retreating form then looks down at the cookies in his palm, only now just noticing his tail is happily wagging.

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