Meeting Amajiki

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"C'mon Y/N it'll be fun" Mirio begged "I don't know I don't really like meeting people" you answered, but failed to persuade the smiling boy "uuuuuuhhhhhh, fine but only if you buy lunch" you wined "Kira should come too then" he added and we headed out the door. You were one of Mirio's step sisters and you two were the complete opposites of each other he was really comfortable with public situations, but you were a total awkward mess. Kira your younger sister was hard-of-hearing so you were her interpreter when you were in public. Mirio sign was as bad as his sense of humor so he couldn't do it on his own.

"Oh hey guys" Mirio said too excited "hey Mirio, wait who is this she's so cute!" A blue haired airhead said it didn't bother me too much, but what really caught my attention was a tall slender boy trembling he was really cute looking. All the sudden you felt someone pulling on you sweater, it was Kira she wanted to know what was going on so you explained. "These are my two step sisters" Mirio replied "oh it is so nice to meet you guys what are your names" she asked "I am Y/N and this is Kira, she's hard-of-hearing" I answered trembling because I wasn't used to being social "well my name is Hado and this tremblay little kitten is amajiki" the shy boy waved awkwardly looking at the ground and blushing. Kira asked where we were going and all of the sudden the shy boy told her we were going to a cat cafe. I was in total shock because Kira never got to interact with other people "you know sign?" I asked with a bright smile on my face because I was so happy "uhhh, y..yeah I learned it a w..while ago f..from my family" he gave a slight smile while saying that, and the best part was he signed while saying it. I looked over at Kira she looked the happiest I have seen her in months and decided to give him a sign name. He seemed happy and thanked her. "Well we should get going" Mirio said and started walking.

When you arrived you and Kira were overwhelmed with cuteness little cats were all over the place you two just fell in love with the place. " you like it here?" amajiki asked "yeah this place is great" you said a a cat with a leg missing approached "oh what happened to you little one" you said petting its head " oh t..this is kaito he lost his leg to a b..bunch of teenagers awhile ago" he said sitting next to me and handing me a cup of coffee. "Thanks" I said " problem" he replies. A small kitten walks up to him and lays in his lap "awe how cute" I say petting the small kitten. He picks the small kitten up gently and puts him on his shoulder "this is kurama he is kinda the runt of the litter" he says and the small kitten slowly falls asleep. Meanwhile, Kira is being used as a pillow for at least 40 cats. Me and tamaki laugh while helping her up. We all get up and make our way to me and Mirio's house, but I had to leave because of an emergency at work. I grabbed my stuff and tamaki agreed to take care of Kira so I wasn't worried.

Time skip

I came home to an empty living room so I assumed that they were all in the bedrooms sleeping I went to my room where nejire was sleeping, got my pajamas, and went to the bathroom to change before making sure Kira was asleep. I found her sleeping in the guest bed with tamaki so I decided I would sleep on the couch, but all the sudden she and tamaki woke up. "Apologies for waking you two up" I said bowing my head "it's fine dont worry about it" he said while yawning. Kira grabbed me and told me to lay down. I blushed and asked if that would be okay with him. He nervously agreed and scooted over so I had a place to lay down. I was a relatively small bed that definitely was not made for three people. So it was kinda awkward being crambed next to amajiki. I couldn't stop blushing while laying next to him we were both really embarrassed. Sooner or later Kira fell asleep and we both got over our embarrassment and fell asleep.

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