... Comes Great Carnage.

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I still remember that time when I ran out of school that day. I was completely panicked, I didn't know that I even had the strenght to lift a chair, let alone break the wrist of someone like Jack. I still didn't knew what that goddamned voice was. But like it promised me, it explained me what it was.


"Calm down Patton, I can explain it."


"Remember that accident some days ago? On the Alcorp laboratory?"


"Do you remeber that thing that latched on to you? It was me."

"Get out of my body now, please!"

"Calm yourself, my friend. I have been analyzing you and your surroundings since I entered your body. Your life, everyone around you, your girlfriend, your uncle. You want to get rid of them all, don't you Patton?"


"Let me word it better; you want to be at the top of the chain, you want to be like Jack, you want to be dominant, confident, charming, socially-skilled, you don't want to be the nerd loser that is bullied at the school bus all the way to closing time, don't you?"

"I... Yes, I do."

I was not sure what I should've sayed at that moment. However, I felt like that with what I had in hands, my life would finally change for the better.

"Well, happily enough, I CAN do it for you. But you know what your species say; "you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs."


At that moment, 3 hours had passed since the incident with Jack. Afer a talk with the school principal, I was allowed to go home.

"Look, you know your uncle, right? You know what COULD happen if he saw you coming trought that door, knowing what you did?"

"Yes. I know what he can do."

"I will NOT allow that to happen."

"Just act as casually as you would, and let me carry it when I need to."

I opened the door that day, I remeber expecting to get smacked by my uncle right as I stepped my foot in, but it was surprisingly calm; no, I felt calm.

Considering what happens every. Other. Time. I felt a bit surprised actually. Then, he came in.

"Of course, finally you stop being a wimp... to be a trouble-maker."

"Jack was about to punch me. I just did what I needed to defend myself."

"Well, you could have did what youe needed in a much better time, at a much better way."

" You're right uncle. In fact, I think I'm gonna do this... RIGHT NOW.


Patton'arm turned into a big, red tentacle. Impaling Uncle Dick and making blood come out of his mouth. Gurgling and desperate for breath. Patton told him one thing.

"You told me about responsibility. You once said too, that a man with great power, wields great responsability. Well, I have a different mindset..."

The last thing he saw was Patton's head turning into a big set of sharp teeth, and before he was devoured, he heard a sentence:

"With great power, comes GREAT CARNAGE!!!"

The sounds of bone cracking and flesh being torn apart was overwhelming. Neighbors heard the sound and called the police.

Later, I was placed under the custody of my aunt until they investigated what murdered my uncle... oh, they never knew.

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