Part 1

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3rd person POV

Sighing for the millionth time today Prince Gumball had made his way to his balcony looking at the sky that was painted red, orange, and pink as it did almost every evening before the sun fully emerged behind the mountains far off.

Today was like every other day for the young prince. Paper work and townhall. It was the same every day and honestly it frustrated the pink prince. He craved excitement and thrill of course he couldnt exactly do those things and pushed the thought into his mind. Though one person who he swore he hated the most he envied the most.

Marshall Lee.

Now that was a free man. Though with the title of king he has no one to rule over since he did his duty and killed all the vampires....well except himself. But the thought of this peculiar creature made Gumball think. He wasnt exactly the best companion but he wasnt the worst.

Gumball dreamed to be free from his duties. Though he loved his people he just couldnt take how dependent and stupid they were. Again sighing he rested his arms on the railing and watched as the sun disappeared and the bright moon appeared in the dark night sky.

He loved the nighttime. The air was crisp and clean. There was no sound as everyone slept quietly and there was no one to bother him. Gumball inhaled deeply to take in the cool air. Satisfied he walked over back into his room and left his window slightly ajar to let the cool air into his room.

He walked over to his desk and began working again. Eventually falling asleep at his desk.


As sleep had taken over the candy prince a mischievous character had sneaked into his room. While flying over the candy kingdom the vampire king had seen the princes window slightly open and the lights on. He then decided to play a prank on the innocent royal.

Not to his surprise he found Gumball sleeping at his desk and rolled his eyes. He grabbed one of the papers on the pink desk and scanned it over. The vampires eyes widened. It was a proclamation stating that whenever the vampire king was in need of resources like food or blankets or such, they would be delivered to him promptly.

This surprised Marshall as he thought Gumball hated him with a passion so thick you could cut it with a knife. He decided to delay his prank for another day and picked up the surprisingly light prince.

"He needs to eat more" the king whispered to himself, gently laid the boy on the way to big bed, grabbed the pjs from his drawer and saw the band t-shirt he had given Gumball a long time ago. He still has this? Marshall though to himself. He then changed the prince into the shirt and a pair of shorts and covered him with the pink silk blanket.

Gumball had shifted and curled himself into a little ball on the bed.
The vampire thought this was adorable.....wait...what? Adorable? He thought the Pink Candy prince was....adorable? These thoughts confused Marshall as he thought he was completely straight. He shrugged and pushed these thoughts aside for another time.

He decided to leave a note for the young prince as he knew he was a bad boy but he wasnt a jerk. Well...maybe sometimes. He wrote his note, left it on the stand next to the bed, turned off the lights, closed the window and flew home.


It was the morning and Gumball had woken up at the same time every morning 7 am. He woke up and groaned then he realized he was in bed. How did he get there? He looked around and found a note on his nightstand.

Hey gummy,

I found you passed out at your desk and put you to bed. I also changed you into your pjs. Didnt know you still had the shirt I gave you. Anyway I'll see you later and dont leave your window open you'll probably get sick.

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