Chapter 11

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It had been a hour and 15 minutes to be exact that Dean and I had that awkward conversation. To be honest, I dont know what the hell was going on with me when I touched him. It was like magic.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I say.

The door opens revealing a short girl , about the height of 4'9. She looked up at me with hazel eyes.

"Umm... Dean said I should come to deliever the message of getting ready by 8." She says shifting her gaze to the wall. Her dress hugged very single curve of her body perfectly.

"Cool. Now why dont you tell me you're name?" I ask softly. Yes, I am curious, very curious at that.

" name is....Annabelle." She says blushing a little. I smile at her shyness, she is younger,  but I can see that her boldness only appeals when she wants it to.

"Cool, so would you  like to hang out with me ... sometime? I am going to very lonely while the big bad wolf has me trapped." I ask observing her expressions. I know for a fact I will be staying here for a while, why not make friends. That's obviously until I escape.

"Sure. Why not. See you tomorrow." She says somewhat in a confident manner. See told you so.

I sigh and enter my walking closet in search for something different. All these clothes belonged to his flavors.  Ex-flavors mind you.

        He cleared that up for you when he said he is a virgin. I scoff. A guy that hot has to be the center of attention.

"" I was loosing hope of finding something at the given time. I am so going to mess up my first date. Well not my first date. But going with my neighbour on a date for fishing doesn't really count does it? Then comes in Colton. So techinqally speaking , it my first date with a werewolf.

   You're using him, don't get your hopes up about this guy being any different from others, he might end up breaking your heart just like Colton.

I run a hand through my messy bun in fustration. Why does my conscience have to be right. But then again, it's not like it's long term anyway.

"Yes!" I cheer in excitment as I pick up a black dress. It had white embralds surrounding it and a glittery lace. I sigh at the sight. I was going to look fabulous.

Suprisingly , this one did not seem used or touched. Maybe he did keep a significant one in his mind. I simply shrugged at this thought,  I really wished it was true though.

I put on light make up and foundation.

I dont know but somehow Dean has an awesome taste in clothing.

I could not walk in heels to save my life. But I decided to do so anyway.  What could go wrong? I mean yeah , last year at the prom I fell in my platform heels and broke my ankle but, let's not put ourselves in the bygone age.

"Alex you ready we are going to be....." Suddenly Dean appeared out of nowhere and  stops his sentence as he looks at me.




"You look absoulotley breathtaking love ." He says eyeing me from head to toe. I blush a bit and arch my eyebrows. Of course he would take this as his chance to eye my arse.

"Well what can I say. I am full of surprises." With a cheeky grin plastered over my face. How fake can I get.

"You sure are." He says chuckling. I plant a kiss on his cheek and make my way down the stairs. He however,  stilled at my sudden touch and growled huskily.

The Hunters Mate (editing) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now