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jeno was bothered earlier of what had happend at the detention room. why in the world would someone like jaemin befriend him when he clearly knows what people say about jeno. and what really bothers him even more was that after he rejects him. the pink haired boy looked so hurt and disappointed. but you can't blame jeno for bursting the boy's bubble. he was just being himself, his cold ass self. jeno had never been in a long conversation with anyone before.

and jaemin was the first one brave enough to approach him. an exception for his bestfriend of course, who's like a brother to jeno.

jeno gets that he's good looking and all, but seriously? why in the world would na jaemin even wants to be friends with him?

what does he find in jeno that got him so interested in him. no jeno wasn't assuming but jaemin shows obvious signs that he's so interested in befriending him.

what has gotten into that boy's mind?

jeno dismissed the thoughts off and just headed the hallways so he can go home already. besides, before he can even attend the last period, class had already ended so its better to go home just like everyone else. good thing tomorrow's saturday, a day for peace, hopefully.

jeno turned a left since its the way that leads to the exit but just as he did-

"hyung!", there he met a wild park jisung appearing out of nowhere and giving jeno almost a heart attack.

"goddammit jisung.", jeno glares at the younger who lets out an apologetic grin.

"sorry hyung, i just wanted to tell you that i won't be able to go home together with you today", jisung said.

jeno raised a brow at him,"and why is that?"

"going out with my baby", jisung proudly said making the older cringe. he ain't up to those cheesy nicknames shit.

"uhh, yeah sure do whatever you want. just stay out of trouble.", jeno said dismissively.

jisung grins,"i will, hyung!", the younger boy started running to the opposite direction while waving his hand at jeno.

jeno watches jisung go, shaking his head before he continues to walk his way to the exit.

at the distance, jeno can see a figure running until he see who it was.

"uhh, hi, have you seen jisung?",chenle awkwardly asked with a smile.

jeno just pointed at the direction where jisung went. he was used to seeing people giving him those awkward looks.

chenle smiles,"thanks jeno!", the purple haired boy rushed away. jeno didn't bother to respond and just continues to walk away.

"can't believe chenle has a boyfriend while here i am still being single", jaemim pouts.

"then go get jeno", renjun said.

"if only it was easy",jaemin mumbles.

both boys were going to the exit. renjun humming some songs while jaemin was busy trying to think of something else.

"hey injun", renjun looks at him.

"how did you and lucas even started dating?", jaemin asks.

renjun hums and starts remembering on how him and yukhei became official
a week ago,"well he keeps chatting me and saying how he finds me cute and how he likes my voice and all those sweet things he say that flutters me..we keep talking and talking to each other until i started falling in love with him as well", renjun explains, slightly blushing," until the day he asked me to be his boyfriend and i said yes so now here we are, dating"

jaemin couldn't help but be happy for renjun. he's glad that the older found his forever.

"sounds like he really likes you from the start, huh?"


the two boys walks side by side, till they noticed the sky slowly turning dark because of the clouds starting to cover  from the window they passed by. its about to rain at this time? great.

a ding sound was heard coming from renjun's pocket. he took out his phone and the screens reveals a message from yukhei. renjun smiles seeing the notification. the boy just texted renjun that he'll be coming to take him home, because of the weather.

"uh why you smiling?", jaemin asks and looks at renjun's phone,"ohh",

"moomin!", a deep voice called from a distant and renjun knows exactly who it was.

"xuxi", renjun calls back running towards the tall boy, and hugs him.

jaemin from behind just watches in awe. wishing he had someone to hug him as well.

"how's your day?", yukhei asks, ruffling the shorter boy's hair.

"it was fine", renjun response, smiling at his boyfriend.

"thats good to hear. give me your bag, you must be tired from carrying it", yukhei removes the backpack off renjun's back and wears it instead.

"a-are you sure? it's kinda heavy", renjun said, concerned.

"moomin, i dont go to the gym for nothing", yukhei says, carrying his and renjun's bags like it was paper. renjun chuckles at him,"let's go? rain's gonna start pouring any second"

"sure but", renjun turns around to look at jaemin.

"it's alright, i rather walk home alone than third wheeling you two", jaemin said, gives the two a smile, assuring renjun that he'll be fine walking alone.

"that's not what i meant",renjun frowns, taking an umbrella from his bag and gave it to the younger"just stay safe, alright?", jaemin nodded in understanding.

"i will now gooo, shooo you two, i dont want ants coming for me because of your sweetness", jaemin jokes, shoving the two off.

they all bid goodbye and jaemin sighs as he waits for the couple going away till they were no longer seen. he doesn't want to tail them before he starts walking to the exit as well, alone.

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