Chapter 20

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Yuri finally got back to Minjoo..She saw Minjoo standing outside the massage place,looking really bored.

"Minjoo-yah..Sorry,I didn't feel like finishing the massage.."  Yuri said while still holding her milkshake

"It's alright"  Minjoo said

"Here,want some?"  Yuri asked Minjoo while offering the milkshake to her

"No thanks Yuri , what else do you want to do?" Minjoo asked

"Go home" Yuri said before drinking the milkshake

"I told you we can't go home yet" Minjoo said

"Then what should we do?" Yuri asked

"That's what I'm asking you" Minjoo said while looking around

"Oh , should we go to the Beautiful Colors shop?"  Minjoo asked Yuri who was still drinking her milkshake

"Let's go" Yuri said before holding Minjoo's hand

They left the mall and started walking to the Beautiful Colors shop. They we're talking about random things.

After several mins they arrived to the shop.

"Yuri-yah , don't leave the shop alright? I'll just go ahead and find something" Minjoo told Yuri

"Alright Minjoo"  Yuri responded then Minjoo left

Yuri has finished her milkshake so she was just walking around the shop.

"Why is this present so different from my past? Why are there so many changes?" Yuri asked herself

She looked at her watch and saw that one of the bars are flickering.

"Yujin,are you there?" Yuri whispered to her watch but there was no response.

"Where is that girl? Or voice? Or whatever she is , if she's playing pranks on me I swear I'll kil- wait I actually can't do that" Yuri said to herself.

Then Yuri saw a paper that says:

"A girl alone in the darkness sat on the bench while thinking about alot of things, she only had her guitar , music is the only thing where she can find happiness , the girl has nowhere to go until a white light shows up."

"Did you find something you want miss?" A tall girl went up to her , must be one of the workers here.

"Not really , I just saw this paper"  Yuri said while still holding the paper

"Can I see miss?" The tall girl said then Yuri handed her the paper.

The tall girl read it then she quickly put it on her pocket.

"That was nothing , it was just something I wrote.." The tall girl said.

"Oh..alright" Yuri responded.

"Well..I have to go now since I have some work to do" the tall girl said then she left.

"The paper is..weird? Those sentences in the paper...Why did it remind me of myself? Like a girl alone in the darkness sat on the bench then something something then the part the girl has nowhere to go until a white light shows was similar to the day I received this watch..the day I time travelled.." Yuri thought to herself.

Yuri remembered that day where she got kicked out of her Uncle's house. Where she was trying to find a job then she went home late for 15 mins. This thought made Yuri upset..

"Yuri-yah?" She looked up to see Minjoo who looks worried.

"Uhh Yes?" Yuri replied with a forced smile

"Are you okay?" Minjoo asked with a worried face

"Why wouldn't I be?" Yuri said with a forced smile again.

"What we're you thinking about?"

"It was nothing , don't worry"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, anyways are you done buying something?" Yuri asked Minjoo.

"Yes" Minjoo said.

"Shall we go somewhere else?" Yuri asked


"The park?" Yuri suggested.

"Okay let's go"

Hello everyone , I sincerely apologise for not updating much , I have been facing lots of problems (family and others) lately and it has been affecting me but don't worry about me once I'm fully okay I'll be updating all my stories, I feel very bad because I don't get to update my books , this year was honestly not good for me but it's not like the other years was good to me too. A new decade is coming in just a day , I just want to wish everyone to have a good time with their families. Again I apologise and Thank you for understanding , Happy New year to you guys!💕

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