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Title: Firsts.

Word Count: 640

'Hey, I'm Y/N, I play Seven Byers in seasons 6 and 7 of Stranger Things and I'm here to tell you about my firsts.'

You pulled a piece of paper out of the bucket, reading off the words out loud.

'First kiss. Well, my first kiss was with my current boyfriend, Finn, who contrary to popular belief, I didn't actually meet him on set, I met him in Tokyo, during the press tour for season 5, so yeah. Anyway, my first kiss was with Finn, as I said and so, Finn and I were coming back from our second date and I tripped over because I have absolutely no sense of balance, whatsoever and I ended up pulling Finn down with me and so, yeah, we kissed on my front lawn and I screeched in his face because he pulled some grass out of my hair and it hurt, so, yeah, next!'

'First date. My first date was with Finn, of course and so, we couldn't decide because we both wanted to go to a concert but we also just wanted to do the usual dinner and a movie, so, we ended up having a bit of a road trip to Toronto on a Friday afternoon, we went to the concert on Saturday and then had dinner and watched a movie that was on late at the cinema. It was really lovely. Even though, I did drop popcorn everywhere. What? Continuing!'

'First celebrity crush. Hmm, the first ever celebrity crush I had was the boy in the Neverending Story, I thought he was really cute. Other than him, I think, I really liked this boy who played the main character in a show called Grandpa in my pocket, that was a great show.'

'First thing I did today. I accidentally head butted Finn because he fell asleep on top of me and I woke up and I thought something freaky, like a hairy ass spider was on my face, turns out it was just Finn's hair but yup, Finn's nose is still hurting I think.'

'First job, well, my first actual job was as a waitress for like two years or so but my first acting job was in Star Wars, amazingly, it was absolutely fantastic to get into such a large franchise right off the bat.'

'First paycheck, well, with my first paycheck, I bought some Mexican food because it's my love, well, second love, no probably first and then Finn is my second but yeah, so, I bought some Mexican food and then, I bought this book series that I had been dying to read called The Raven Boys, oh and I got a new set of glasses because mine had died.'

'First non celebrity crush. His name was Sebastian, he was a boy I met in preschool and I remember that he really liked the colour pink.'

'First coffee. The first coffee I ever had, I spit in Finn's face, half by accident, half on purpose because I didn't like coffee, like, I knew I didn't and Finn was trying to get me to drink one and he was like, 'youre a teenager! You need to drink coffee!' and so, I tried it and Finn smirked because he thought I liked it and he was acting all cocky and I hate when people are like that, so, I spat it in his face, which was yuck, I know but it's okay because I helped him wash it off and I had to deal with his coffee tasting lips for the rest of the day, so that was great.'

'Anyway, I'm Y/N L/N, those were my firsts, thank you for watching, make sure to subcribe and check out my Teen Vogue cover which is coming out next week, okay, byyeeee!'

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