Eliana and the truth.

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I walked back to Thalia, shocked.
Haha,demigod humor.
i told her and she said ,
"well? Are you going to ?"
"Only if you do it too."
I said.
"but they hate me.
why why are we even talking about this.
It's our first day.
We've faced worse then a prissy queen bee."
Thalia said.
I realized we were overreacting.
I nodded and headed to homeroom with Thalia.
I stopped at a brown door that looked like every other door in rest of the school.
But this was homeroom, first class of the day.
The most important place to be on time.
i looked at Thalia and we pushed opened the door.
We sat down to a girl named eliana .
"You re Annie.
The newest Cloner.
gossip spreads like wildfire here at New York High.
you should back out before its to late.
Izzy is a life wrecker.
She ruins life's of innocent citizens .
She is evil.
Let me tell you a bit more.
Carrie is the dumbest girl you will ever meet.
G talks forever and she is the biggest rumor spreader.
Izzy , Carrie and G are evil.
But wouldn't it be fun to see inside their dirty minds?
They invited you,Annie , do it, and report back to us what happens.
We can ruin izzys popularity and then every one will be happy.
It's a win win win for you for me for izzy wait not for izzy it's a win win lose then.
Eliana said to me.
Thalia and I debated it and said yes.

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