How this thing will work

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Before I jump into the world of my strange dreams, which I decided to share with the people of Wattpad, I must explain how I recorded these dreams.

I mean first off it is pretty obvious I wrote them down, but I wrote them in a strange way where I can try to piece the dreams back together to experience them again

First thing I do is bullet point the actions, important people and main points of the dream in a bullet point fashion. The dreams I do not recall after writing them will be written soley in this way because of the lack-of-memory for the plot. The dreams I do remember will be attempted to be fathomed into stories with proper grammer and such, but they will also include the bullet points at the top.

Before I hop into the story the date, time, and posibly the day will be listed. I dunno why, just because I suppose.

I will also let you know when my memory fails in a certain part of a dream but the rest is remembered.

Thanks for picking up on the idea and I hope you will be able to relate and those sorts of things!

Sweet Dreams!

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