Annabelle dum

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When I first saw annabelle. I was in year 7, everything was new big scary and incredible. I looked up in awe at everyone around me, we were just as new and fresh as each other and yet she still wasn't that interesting to look at. For the first few weeks I did not care about that girl at all, she was very quiet and in the background so I didn't particularly care or know her. Also I thought she was sisters with this girl sat next to her called Sofia (they have different surnames and look nothing alike so idk why I thought that) and then everyone was doing this sporty thing one lunchtime and like I didn't wanna do it cos why would I so I was walking ariund looking for ppl I knew and there she was. Walking out to the field, just as lost as I was. So I shouted at her 'Hey Annabelle' and we walked in an awkward silence to a part of the school field. I tried to make friends with her, the way I tried to befriend everyone else
"Do u like Pokemon?"
And finally the answer was

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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