Chapter 1

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         I wake up drenched in sweat and my heart was racing so fast it hurt. My throat feels hoarse from screaming. I had another nightmare but this one was different. It seemed so real, I feel like I was really there. My mind starts racing with overwhelming thoughts and images so I sat up and walked over to the open window. My head starts pounding but I managed to ignore it. The breeze feels comforting and cool. I look up at the stars, and get lost in my thoughts. There is a small knock on my door. I whip my head around to see who it is and Sam comes in.

“Hey Anna, I heard you screaming and came to check on you. Are you ok?”, He asked.

“Ya i’m fine it was just another dream,” I say sheepishly. Sam walks over and stands next to me by the window. He puts one arm around the my waist, and he uses the other one to drag me in for a hug. I melted into his warm embrace and wrapped my arms around him. For a second I forget about the branch and fighting. I forget about what my life used to be like before all of this. I breath in Sam's comforting scent and for the first time in a while I feel safe

Sam, Nick, Cas and Trev were the only other people at the Branch when I got there. Trev immediately became my best friend. The five of us have been at the Branch together for as long as I can remember. Riley is in charge of the Branch. The Branch is a government spy agency that takes people and changes their DNA to enhance our abilities. Then they take us and use us as spies. There are only five successful cases recorded, which are the boys and me. We all had our memories erased of our former lives when we got to the Branch. About a month ago, all five of us escaped the Branch and have been on the run ever since. Slowly we have been trying to piece together details of our old lives.

        “Do you want to talk about it?,” He asks. I nodded and start to explain.

“I was in a white room. There was a folder on the ground with my name on it. I picked it up and started reading. Suddenly there was a huge bang and I was on the ground. Riley was standing over me, and pointed his gun at my head. He put his foot one my chest so I couldn’t move. He kept yelling,” I try to continue explaining but I start crying. When I lift my head I am leaning against Sam. I immediately wipe away my tears and stand up straight.

         “Hey it’s just me you don’t have to pretend to be brave.” He whispers in my ear. We walk over to my bed and sit down. I rest my head on his shoulder. He smells like home. I feel a small tear run down my cheek. He takes my face in his hand and wipes it away with his thumb. I rest my head back on his shoulder and he wraps one of his arms around me.

“Thanks,” I whisper.

 “No problem Anna,” He whispers back. We end sitting like this for a while but eventually he goes back to his room and I just lay on my bed, and close my eyes. I must have fallen asleep because when I opened them again there was light coming in from my window. With the memories from last night still fresh in my mind I get dressed and go downstairs.

        Nick is in the kitchen making coffee and glares at me. Even at The Branch we never seemed to get along. I ignore him and go to the counter to get a muffin. I sit down at the table and start to eat. A couple minutes later Trev comes in through the backdoor with sweat on his forehead. He takes off his shoes and smiles at me.

         “How was your run?”, I asked him.

          “Good, but when everyone comes to the kitchen we need to talk.”

        “Why, is everything ok?’’ I ask. He nops and comes to sit down next to me.

Cas comes into the kitchen with a puzzled look on his fac

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