Chapter 2

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        I wake up in some sort of cell.Three of the walls are white and the fourth is plexi glass. It is painfully boring and plain. The room smells like disinfectants and chemicals. There is someone standing on the other side of the plexi glass. He is wearing a white lab coat and is holding a clipboard. He looks up at me smiles, then walks away. A few minutes later Riley comes along with two other agents.

“Oh Anna, I am glad to see you’re awake. That little disappearing stunt you pulled with the boys, really set us behind.” He glared at me and continued. “Since you’re back we can continue where we left off. I will schedule you for a memory swipe tomorrow morning. Then we can return to the Branch.” He clenched his teeth and walked away. I started banging on the clear wall yelling at him to come back. There are so many questions that I need him to answer. My hands start to hurt and I eventually stop. Still leaning against the clear wall I fall to my knees. I have so many thoughts, questions and fears going through my head right now. I get up and go in to the small bathroom attached to the cell and sit in private. I need to come up with a plan to get out. I hear a small knock come from outside the bathroom. I go back into the main room and look around for whatever made the knocking noise. I see a man in a lab coat standing at the plexiglass wall. He is knocking on the wall motioning for me to come to him. I walk over to him and notice that the man is Cas. He sees me and a huge grin forms on his face. Then it disappears. I give him a puzzled look.

“Anna what happened to you, you look like helI.” He says smirking.

“Thanks Cas glad to see you too” I say with a smile. I am about to keep talking when I see Trev at the keypad for my cell trying to figure out the combination. Nick comes in and gives us a look. Trev finally figures out  the combo and the door flies open. Nick tosses me a gun.

“What are you guys doing here?” I ask making sure to keep my voice low.

“We can explain later, but right now we need to get out of here” Nick replies. All four of us leave the lab and start to go down the hall. We are about to turn a corner when a group of agents come holding guns. He tries to fire his gun but Trev punches him in the cheek. He leans over and Trev punches him in the gut. The man falls to the ground and another agents comes flying towards me. He tries to punch me but I block his punch and shoot him in the knee. My hand burns from where I blocked his punch. But before I can focus on the pain more agents come towards us. Pretty soon all I can see is a blur, there is action, movement and sounds coming from every direction. Soon it all stops and there is just the three boys and me in the hall. We catch our breath for a minute and then keep going. We see someone coming towards and I am getting ready for another fight when I notice it’s Sam.

“Guys I found and escape route.” Sam yelled and we all follow him. He are heading for a door that says exit. I am expecting to find a stairwell but instead it leads to a gray room.. I look around and see Riley in the corner.

“No! It’s a trap, Sam we need to get out of here.” I yell and turn around. As I am heading for the door I notice that none of the other boys are in the room except for Sam. I Rush over to the door as fast as I can now and try to open it. It won’t budge and I start banging on it. I hear banging come from the other side and muffled yells. I can’t make out what they are saying but I know that they are Cas’s. Nick’s and Trev’s. I turn around again now so that my back is against the door. I see Sam standing over on the other side of the room next to Riley.

“Come on Sam! We need to leave”, I say sternly. He looks at me in the eyes and gives an evil grin.

“Oh Anna I’m sorry but you aren’t leaving” He says mockingly.

“What are you doing?” I ask looking at him straight in the eyes.

“Isn’t is obvious he is betraying you,” Riley smirks.

“How could you, Sam I trusted you.” I say trying to keep my cool.

“Anna you were so naive it was perfect. I put that address on your tattoo while I was comforting you after your dream.Then I lead you to that house where Riley came and got you. But the others got in the way. So we set up the diversion in the hallway. Then I lead you here where we can perform a perfect memory wipe. Then you can keep working for the Branch and no recollection of the information that you might have learned.” He starts walking towards me. I try to step back but i’m still at the door.

“Sam, Please, you don’t have to do this.” I say but he doesn’t listen. He comes up and gives me a hug. He whispers an apology in my ear and then slides a syringe into my neck.

“Anna, please remember me ok” I don’t do anything since i’m still in shock. He presses down on the syringe and I can feel myself getting light headed. I close my eyes but I am still replaying his words in my mind.

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