Quick Update + I Need Your Help

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Hey guys so I'll give you a little bit of an update on what's happening. So I may not be updating for a little why. But that's a maybe! If any of you read my update before than you would know that my boyfriends mom has been in the hospital and what we were told today in simple terms, we need to prepare ourselves for what may happen. She is unresponsive and they do not think she will wake up. Now being the girlfriend of the boy who's mom is going through this is challenging. How do you help him take this kind of information in. This is a scary time, and if anything does happen (which I pray to God it won't) this will be the true test on our relationship. If we will be able to get through it. We are hoping, madly for a miracle.

Now on a different note.
As you can she my cover for this story is lacking as it was made by myself a long time ago. And the fact is, I'm no good at making covers..
Soooo if any of you readers are good in the matter of that than I wanna see your skills.
See if you can make a cover for this story and who knows maybe I'll change it to that.
Email me your ideas to my business email: hmkloewen@live.ca

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