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Gwen wandered throughout the castle, searching for Arthur and Merlin. They were in high demand amongst the knights and she was determined to find them. She had looked everywhere; Arthur's chambers, Merlin's, the stables, the dungeons, and even in Gauis' workplace. She was just about to give up when she heard laughing, quiet laughing, coming from a dark corridor that was almost completely concealed by a staircase. She crept towards it and saw that it wasn't, in fact, dark. It was dimly lit by a torch, but she couldn't see the end because it turned. She decided to follow it, running her hand along the wall and stepping softly so as not to make any noise. When she got to the end, Gwen slowly peeked around the corner, her eyes widening at what she saw.

----- only a tad bit earlier -----

"Come on!" Merlin said, tugging Arthur behind him.

"What is it?" Arthur asked.

"I found something really neat!"


Merlin finally stopped at the bottom of a staircase that was quite out of the way, barely used since it was at the very end of the east wing on the 2nd floor of the castle.

"That's it?" Arthur asked skeptically. Merlin scoffed and went around the side of the staircase and ducked almost under it, revealing a well concealed corridor.

"Okay, that is pretty neat." Arthur admitted.

"But wait, there's more." Merlin said, he pulled Arthur down it, a torch on the wall illuminating their way. Merlin turned at the end and Arthur's eyes widened when he saw the room.

It was a small alcove with a lit torch, a little bench covered in blankets and pillows, and there was a cozy feeling to the whole room.

"This is amazing, Merlin." Arthur said. He squeezed Merlin's hand and rested his head on top of Merlin's.

"I was thinking that this could be like another meeting place or secret hideout." Merlin whispered, turning to face Arthur.

Arthur immediately caught his drift and pinned Merlin to the wall, kissing him passionately. When they broke apart for air, Merlin began to laugh.

"What?" Arthur whispered, his mouth only centimeters from Merlin's.

"That escalated quickly." Merlin said before closing the space between them and slowly directing them towards the little bench.

Arthur sat down in the bench and pulled Merlin on to his lap, never breaking them apart. Merlin's legs wrapped around Arthur's waist and the kiss deepened even more.

But suddenly, they heard a small gasp. They broke apart and turned quickly, surprised to see a very wide eyed Gwen. She stared at them before whispering, "I knew it." She then turned and walked away smiling, with every intention of telling the knights that Merlin and Arthur were nowhere to be found.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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