Chapter 1 Begining

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Harry's POV
I wake up in something soft I also hear water. I open my eyes and I see I'm in the forbidden forest? I think. It seemed nicer not as scary and angry then it was before. I then hear kids playing and laughing I go over and see a frozen lake. With hogwarts students ice skating.

This couldn't be real since the war tore everything down and the students had to evacuate. I then see someone that looks familiar. I look closer and see MY DAD AND GODPARENTS THROWING SNOWBALLS. No this can't be true I couldn't have possibly gone back in time, could I?

They look so happy I've never seen my dad before is this how he act all the time. I then start to feel dizzy and I collapse on the ground. I hear a female voice say PROFESSOR. Then darkness.

Time skip

I wake up warm and I feel comfortable. I open my eyes and see Madam poppy but younger and not as stressed. She see's that I'm awake and said "goodness your awake I must warn the headmaster you stay right there in bed". She said running if probably to get Dumbledore with Mcgonagall tagging along.

Once she leaves I look around the room to see it looks brighter and cleaner. It seems calmer then back in my time. I hear footsteps and Madam poppy saying "yes he just woke up sir". Now your all probably wondering didn't Dumbledore also betray you. No he didn't my friends kept this all from him. So he is still kinda trustworthy.

When I see them come in the room I don't know what came over me but I hide on the side of the bed. "Child it's okay this is Dumbledore head master if hogwarts along with Mcgonagall". Madam poppy said in a call voice. I know it wasn't right but I had to ask "s-so you g-guys w-won't h-hurt m-me". They looked shocked and stunned at the question.

Dumbledore then asked "young man who did such a thing for you to be so wary". I started to tear up remembering all the shit I went threw all the lies. I hear Mcgonagall say" what happened child". In the sweetest voice I've heard in a long time. I decided my as well tell them besides technically my parents aren't really my parents.

"My parents are dead I was abused by my aunt and uncle, then my friends tried to kill me so I ran to the forest". I said crying and letting out all the sadness I kept in myself. I then feel someone hugging me and it was Professor Mcgonagall. I hug her back and she said "what age are you dear".

"I'm 14 Mrs" I said fast. "Of dear you would be a fourth year here at hogwarts, Dumbledore?". "Yes I see what your saying Minnie, what's your name child" he said in the kindest voice he could muster. "I'm 'I got to think of a different name I can start off a new life here, gotta play my cards right' Harrison sir". He nodded his head then asked if I would like to go to hogwarts.

'Maybe I can be in Slytherin and isn't Severus a fourth year as well, along with Lucious I can make them good!!!'. "Yes sir I would love tooo" he smiled at my excitement and ruffled my hair. Mcgonagall then lead me to a room and gave a non-colored uniform since I wasn't in a house yet. She showed me to a temporary room till it was time for me to be in a house.

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