Prologue (Reader's Side)

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You are already running for your life from the guards that are right behind you. 'For goodness sake. How did this even happen?' you thought while running.

You were already back home after a walk to the market. You met up with your roommate, Ali Abadi. "Marhabaan, Ali. How was your day?" you ask. "It is going fine, (Y/N)." Ali started. Suddenly there was a commotion going on out. You and Ali head to the window, there you two see the guards riding their elephants for the person, known as Bakaar the Black Sultan. Ali was in fear, while you were in confusion. You weren't really sure what was going on until Bakaar's guards starting banging on the door of your friend's house. "They are breaking down the door! (Y/N), run! You must save yourself!" Ali said while escorting you to the escape door. "But, Ali, what about you?" you ask worriedly. "Do not worry about me. I will be fine. Go!" with that, you run to the escape door and started running away from the house and not look back of what's going to happen to Ali.

That's where it got you still running. The guards found you and are on your tail. 'What do these people even want from me? I know they're not chasing me for my money.' suddenly, your thoughts were cut off when you bumped into someone. "Sorry, about that." "It is fine. I should have watched where I was going." you looked up to see a man that looked like he must be in a royal family. But you and the man turned left and right to see that there are more of the guards that were chasing you. "We have them surrounded!" the leader of them said which made the rest of them start running to them. But before you and the man can do anything someone grabbed you two and takes you two into his home. You and the man you bumped into turned around to see another man that somehow look familiar to you. "Trust me." he said while he says, "Roseanne Kobar!" suddenly, you, the man you bumped into, and the man that took you two in his house, turned into pink, blue, and (f/c) smoke. And head down to the bottom of the house. The leader of the guards stepped into the house.

"They have vanished!"

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