Chapter One-The Adventure's Beginning (Reader's Version)

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The pink, blue, and (f/c) smoke got to a secret basement and transformed back to their normal selves. 'Well, that was new.' you thought to yourself in shock. Your thoughts were finally cut off when the man that turned you two into smoke said to you and the man that you bumped into, "Forgive my change of both you and your royal highness, Turhan, into mere smoke. But it was much quicker than using the trap door." 'Makes sense to me for why I turned into some smoke.' you thought to yourself. "And to whom do we owe our thanks?" the royal man, Turhan asks which made the man who saved him and (Y/N) say, "Fariik the magician. Master of magic, the fire of the unbelieving and possessor of the unknown." 'Wow, saved by a magician. This is the first time that I was saved by someone that is on our side.' you thought amused. "But we'd better get out of here," Fariik said in a little panic tone in his voice. "We could use a flying carpet," Turhan said. 'That'd be a good plan, even though it isn't that movie Alladin, but still a good idea.' you thought to yourself liking the idea. "A pity, I am fresh out of flying carpets," said Fariik. 'Well, crud.' you thought to yourself sweating a bit knowing that Bakaar's soldiers are going to find them any minute. You noticed a table while Fariik said to them, "But a flying table will do." 'Is he serious here?' you thought confused and a little unamused. "Floataar Kobar!" Fariik said which made the table started floating. 'Huh. Okay, this is surprising. And not what I was expecting as a new flying carpet, but that's good enough from me! I'll take it just to get away from those soldiers!' you thought to smile happily. Suddenly, they hear knocking on the roof of the basement. 'Oh, crud!' you thought to panic a bit. "They found the trap door!" Fariik yelps.Meanwhile up the basement, "Turhan must be below. Open it!" the leading soldier demands. Before the other two guards can open it, the trap door slammed open while you, Turhan and Fariik flew out of the place on the flying table. 'Ha! Suckers!' you thought to yourself while you and the two men flew out. "Remind me to order a dozen of these tables, Fariik." Turhan said which made you say, "Make that two of us."

After an hour of flying, Fariik has said to you and Turhan, "Where is our destination?" "My cousin, Princess Nida visits the Caliph of El-Rabaul. He will help us." Turhan said while you looked behind you three in shock of what you're seeing. "Uh, guys?" you said pointing to what was behind you three. Bakaar's soldiers are flying on flying carpets after them. 'How the freak are we supposed to get away from these guys?' you thought to yourself sweatdropping a bit. Suddenly, Turhan points to something/somewhere which got Fariik and your attention. "Up ahead! The Caves of Doom! Quickly, head for the entrance!" when you three got to the entrance, you and Turhan turn to see Bakaar's soldiers not following you. "We've lost them," Turhan said as you are now relieved. 'Thank goodness. At least I don't have to worry about those punks chasing me anymore.' you thought to smile. Suddenly, you three hear a strange noise like some rock is trying to break itself. "What was that?" you ask looking around with the two allies. "Look! Up there!" Turhan said pointing which got you and Fariik to look. There, you three saw a man that was holding a heavy rock. 'Oh, boy. I know where this is going and this, is bad.' you thought to sweatdrop a bit as the man throws the heavy rock at you three. You, Turhan and Fariik quickly jumped off safely away from the rock as it hits the table. 'Close call. Who is this punk anyway? And what does he even want from us?' you thought. After that, the man jumps down from the bolder he was on. 'Oh, no. Looks like he wants to fight us.' you thought worriedly knowing that you're only a white belt. (for those who aren't you might wanna go with it on the story) "Fear not. I will turn that ugly ogre into a harmless elf." Fariik said which got you to have an unamused look on your face. But before Fariik can do anything, the man grabs Fariik's headwear and covers his face with it. 'Huh, rude much?' you thought while watching the fight with the two allies and the one who tried to crush you three with a heavy rock. "Look, can't we be-" Turhan was cut off when the man started talking, "I have no friends." after the man tells them that, he grabs both Turhan and Fariik. You decided to step up your game for once and walk to them saying, "Look, mister, we only wish to share your cave until the Black Sultan's guards pass." "You three are being pursued by them? Then why are we fighting? We are on the same side." the man said as he puts Turhan and Fariik down. 'Well, that was easy.' you thought as you smiled proudly of what you did to make the man understand what was going on. "I am Raseem the strong." the man, Raseem said introducing himself. "And who might you be." "My friend is Fariik the magician." "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)," you said introducing yourself. "And I am Prince Turhan. Sworn to rid Baghdad of the tyrant, Bakaar." "We go to El-Rabaul to seek aid," said Fariik. "Bakaar's horde have also taken El-Rabaul." "And the Khalid, and my cousin, Princess Nida." "Prisoners." "Then I go there to free them." "And we will join you."

After a while, you, Prince Turhan, Fariik, and Raseem are off heading over to El-Rabaul to free Nida and the people there. "Well, this is one way to defeat Bakaar." "What's that, your highness?" you ask. "When they see us descending on them, they will laugh themselves to death," he said. 'Yeah, no kidding.' you thought. "I only provided my faithful Zazuum as transportation because I smashed your flying table." 'Okay, yeah, that's fair, I see that now.' you thought. "But when the fighting starts, you will find him able to hold his own." 'That would be delightful.' you thought happily for the donkey, Zazuum. "Why do you call him Zazuum?" Fariik asks. "A pull on his tail answers that," Raseem said answering the question. 'Oh... I think I know what he's saying.' you thought already knowing what Raseem is talking about. Suddenly, you see Fariik already pulling Zazuum's tail. 'Oh, boy. Here we go.' you thought once again after jumping off. Then, you see Zazuum already spinning and breaking huge rocks. 'He's like the Tasmanian daredevil. But except... it's a donkey.' you thought after watching the donkey, Zazuum continued breaking the huge rocks and ducks and cover while the broken rocks were heading towards you.

After a while later, you five are finally at El-Rabaul. There, you see a lot of people and see two people that are there. 'Oh, no. I think I know what this is.' you thought worriedly after seeing the two people closer. You, Turhan, Fariik, and Raseem hid behind the vases so you won't get caught. "It's Princess Nida," Turhan said. "I'm glad she's on our side," Raseem said which made you nod in agreement after seeing Nida hitting the dong on the man who gripped her too tightly. "Raseem, can you flip me to the stage?" Turhan asks. "An easy task," Raseem said. As Raseem did he hits the man that almost tried to hurt Nida. "Nice throw," you said to Raseem. "Turhan, thank goodness you've arrived just in time," Nida said happily seeing him. "Quickly, my cousin. Follow me." Turhan said as they walk. But while they did, they hear a familiar voice. "Get them!" 'Oh, come on! Haven't we've been through enough of these people?' you thought worriedly. "You two hide here. We'll lead them away." Turhan said as he, Fariik, and Raseem leave you and Nida behind the vases. "Stay down, I have an idea," Nida said to you. You nodded and stand down, not making a single sound.

Nida grabs a soldier's helmet and gets down. As the soldiers stop at the vases and then, the lead soldier pops up from there, and says to them while pointing to the opposite side of where the boys are going to and said, "They went that way." as the soldiers run to the opposite direction, the fake one takes off the disguise revealing Nida as she and you run off to the boys while the soldiers run off at the other direction. "I see you're still a master of disguise, Nida. Now, hurry, over the wall." "Uh, your highness?" you said pointing to the two soldiers that are holding bow and arrows. "It is bad manners to point," Raseem said as he heads to the wall and pushes it which caused the soldiers to miss and fall after the wall breaks apart. Then, they all look behind them to see more of them. 'Oh, come on. How many of these people can us five even get?' you thought to know that you and your new friends are now surrounded. "Turhan, we're surrounded," Nida said worriedly. 'And I never imagined my death to be like this.' you thought sadly on the inside while being worried and having a warrior look on your face on the outside. "With the help of best beasts, they will have a chance." someone said. Another guy jumps and lands on ground to you and your friends saying to you five, "Stay close, my friends." Then he said something that turns him something different. "Size, of an elephant!" Then, he turns into an elephant. You, Turhan, Nida, Fariik, and Raseem are on top of the man who is saving you five walks off. (while Zazuum is following you guys) The man who transformed into an elephant busted the door and got you all out of there. Back at the Caves of Doom, you all are now safe from Bakaar's soldiers and are now sheltered in the cave where you, Fariik, and Turhan met Raseem. "If it weren't for you, Bez, we could have never escaped," Turhan said to the man, Bez. "Thank you, Turhan." "It seems as though you are all gifted with unusual abilities. Raseem with his great strength, Fariik with his magic, Princess Nida with her mastery of disguise, Prince Turhan with the agility of an acrobat, and Bez with the gift of the beasts," you said happily. "We could blend our strengths to form an invincible force," said Fariik. "Yes, and rid the land of the tyrant Bakaar," said Nida. "And would you lead us, Turhan?" Raseem asks. Turhan nodded. 'I'm guessing, that's a yes.' you thought while smiling happily. "Then let us all clasp hands and take an oath of allegiance," Bez said. As you all clasp hands, Turhan began to say, "We now unite to become as one, to pledge ourselves to bring freedom and justice to the land. And from this day forward, we shall be known as the Arabian Knights."

From that day forward, you and your friends' journey has now, just begun.

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