Chapter 4

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We began walking down the streets of the night. Mr. Karasuma and Professor Bitch were following us, but no matter. Korosensei led me to the guys. How should I know where he is? Not like I care. He said he was going to look for the other students.

Death to the octopus I say.

Oh boy Nagisa and Deku will be real good friends.

They were talking about each other throughout our little passage to 'Recovery Girl'. Nagisa did say that some of the embers from Bakugo's quirk burned him a bit. And, according to Midoriya, Recovery Girl's quirk was self explanatory. It specialized in recovery and healing. But how would she react to a potential villain?

I smiled at the thought. I tried my best to refrain from playing around with the explosive little guy. Then, Nagisa asked the question of glory:

"About this 'Recovery Girl'... how do you think she'll react at us, Deku?" The emerald haired boy replied, "I dunno. Depends if All Might already told her about you guys or not."
"So you don't know? Isn't he your idol?"
"I'm just in high school! And I'm just way too shy to listen to rumors!"

I just responded, "And this is why you can't trust heroes." Bakugo's hands were flaring and sparking again. Then, the famous Karasuma Death Stare caused it to stop.

The yellow octopus sped up to Nagisa before said, "Hello Nagisa! I see you made a friend!" Nagisa was a tad bit surprised at his sudden appearance. He then said, "Hi Korosensei!"

Then, the next phrase was quite shocking to everyone. The octopus asked, "Say, newbies, where do you get your education?" Izuku replied, "UA High School. Why?"

"Ah, looks like we'll be seeing each other more often. I decided to enroll there as a teacher! Along with everyone else!" Korosensei said, "I recommended that you all come too, along with the rest of the class. Of course, Karasuma and Jelavíc will be teachers too.

They'll see the agony of having Professor Bitch as a teacher. Oh this will be fun.

Karasuma asked, "Do you three have your weapons with you?" Of course we didn't have strong ones, but I could tell:

We were hella prepared.

We had smoke bombs, toy grenades, anti-sensei knives, pistols and revolvers, and Nagisa had a pencil and his notebook.

Deku was intimidated.

This is going to be a fun school year.

Heroes, be ready.

The assassins are entering the ring.

Time to play with the rest of the students!

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