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GUYS, Today I'm going to tell you about EA movie SURPRISED and my THEORIES !  

Hence, Beware of THE SPOILERS in this chapter... Because I most definitely going to slip something regarding the movie. 

You have been warned! 

 With that said, lets get started!

Before we get into the theories part, i want to said a few things about the movie. In my opinions, these are the few weak points in EA movie misi neo ...

1) the scene change too fast

-for fighting scene the pace is okay. But when you want to add some emotional motion the pace needed to slow down a bit for the viewer feels the emotion. 

2) some times the music is too loud or plays at an inappropriate time

-music helps us to feels more of the emotions that's going through the characters. We can't heard the emotion in the characters voice and/or hear what they said clearly. 

3) too many things going on (the plots)

-too many different back stories, many mysteries that we discovered and solves. So, our thought is in a big jumble because we can't digest the information thoroughly. 

But really, i can't truly complain about the movie. I loved it so must and it is really good too. 2019 truly the golden year of Malaysia's animation! 

Back on track,

Even on the trailer we can see that Ali going to chose a side. It's either MATA's side or people at the edge of Cyberaya's side. Obviously, Ali choose the people's side. 

The stories line goes like this, Ali chose the unknown people's side only for them to reveal a secrete (or in this case the truth - spoiler - like the reason to Aliyah death) before they betrayed him. 

In this movie, they also explain why Ali can't controlled override mode. On the first looked from season one, we concluded that Ali can not control override mode because he does not have the capability to used it to full potential. But we know better now... It is because IRIS saved the previous user's data which is ... ... you guess it ... ... ALIYAH! The creator of IRIS. Because of this data, Ali could not control override mode.


1) what is project Satria? (Satria in english means knigh)

2)what is going to happened to Ali now ? 

3)what going to happened to Ali's IRIS now that he can't wear it?

4)What about Project IRIS Neo ? Are they truly cancel or is it just a cover?

5)what is IRIS dimension? How and why does it exist? (who would have though of this thing... apparently Wao warriors does...) 

Theory time,

Where and when it happened

The where Aliyah die on mission is in Beta Tower. The very same place all four MATA's core leaders carries out protocal gegas where Djin was left behind in the tower. The when it's happened is 5 years ago. You guys can look it for yourselves. Just watch EA season 1 episode 7 (Misi protokol gegas). In that episode, we can see Bakar tell Ali about the mission. Even Waonimation give clue point to that direction. Just look at the video...

The movie begin with a back story of Aliyah and Nikki that happened 15 years ago where Aliyah was recruited to be an ejen. So with this information we can safely conclude that Aliyah have been an ejen for at lest 10+ year before she die. At that time frame, she meet Ghazali, marry him and had Ali... 

Project Satria and IRIS (END CREDIT 1)

Project satria is a battle suit... We know nothing about it except that it is a suit and Ali is the assign ejen to used and test it... We know that now Mata have Aliyah Journal on creating IRIS. I can imaging that the suit will has its own artificial intelligence ...

Is Uno still alive (END CREDIT 2)

In the second end credit, we can see that Rizwan and Jenny (Cinco) are spying Ali in Mamak Maju. This means that Uno subordinates are still active in doing ... ... who know what...? So, will Uno will make his apparent in season 3 because I don't really believe Uno die in season 2 episode 13 (Misi legacy).

Season 3

EA movie is like a side story before the start of Season 3. Hence, what we learn in the movie should be carried on to season 3. I'm fairly sure we will see Project satria soon. 

Fun fact

I already had a theory regarding one of Ali parents is actually an Ejen of M. A. T. A.... And to see that my theory actually correct... I can die happy now! 😂😂😂  Its going to be one of my story plot twist from my other book... But I never got to that part... What a pity...

Okay, that's all i guess... Even though, I know that there are still a few things that I haven't discuss yet... I Hope you guy could share your opinions on my theories... I really want you guy opinion on want I should do for the upcoming chapter... 'till next time, guy! 

Credit to the artist who draw this

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Credit to the artist who draw this...


I'm working on translating my others book into English. Maybe some of you have read it. It was originally written in BM (Bahasa Melayu) and the name of the books is Project I.R.I.S. I has not update any new chapter for that book because of my writer's block. The problem is I can't pun what i thought into word especially on how to write a good fighting scene. BTW, what should I name my new book? Project I.R.I.S (Translated) ? Is it a good name?

Ejen Ali The Movie : Misi NeoWhere stories live. Discover now