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I again sat on my seat beside Taehyung. I was about to take a book out of my bag when i saw a note on my desk. It was written

Where is the bathroom?

It was written in english. Well when people speak it's difficult for me to understand but as it was written i understood. But who could it be? If it's Taehyung i am going to kill him. He is really getting on my nerves. I believe that i am being bullied but i never hold back i always talk back and sometimes i even hit people.

"Hey! What do you think of yourself? I know you can speak english! So what? I don't care. Don't you dare give me any letter again!"
I said and made a ball of his letter and threw it on his desk. I sat on my chair and started to write.He stood up and went out of the class. The class saw our scene but none of them spoke because no one was neither on his side nor of mine.

I was thinking about the letter. Did he really want to go to bathroom? I don't care.

The lecture started but Taehyung didn't come. In the mid of the lecture.

"May i come in mam?"
he said.

And i heard girls saying.

Girl1: "Look at his wet hair! He's too handsome."

Girl 2: "He's mine!"

Girl 3: "Shutup! I am in love with his voice. His english is too good."

The teacher nodded and he entered the class.

"I didn't tell you to sit!" the teacher said but Taehyung didn't move.

I elbowed him and made him stand.

"Why are you late?" The teacher was speaking korean.


The teacher then said her sentence again but this time slowly.

"Why are you late?"

"I went to the washroom but couldn't find it so it took time to find one." He said in english.

"Speak this in korean." The teacher said and the whole class started to laugh.



"I ... went ... to washroom. But couldn't find it..... so ..." he said this in korean and in almost 3 minutes and then teacher made him sit.

So.... he's not fluent in korean? He asked me about the bathroom because he really wanted to go .Wait! Did he ask me the same question before when i didn't understand him? And only said It's okay?So he controlled it? Well he should have asked it from someone else.

Now it was break time . Like always i sat alone and was busy eating.I always eat properly at school because, for food i have to work and make money. So i never wasted the food. And yes i made sure that i am not eating the prohibited food.

I saw Taehyung coming. Why is he coming to me?

"Miss Kim Hana? Can i sit here?" he said it in english again but this time he said it slowly. But i still didn't understand him. All i understood was his actions that told me that he wanted to sit with me. I am the one who is bullied here so i didn't want him to be my friend so i refused. He simply nodded and sat on the other table which was in front of mine.

He only ate boiled rice.But why? Is he on diet? Haha i don't care anyways. I was about to put my plates but i bumped into someone. I bumped into Min Soojung. He is the topper of our class. And i am really annoyed by him. As i bumped into him, his plate fell on the floor and unfortunately it was filled with food and the food also fell on the floor.

"Are you blind?" he said and was about to hit me but then he saw it was me.

"Oh! It's Hana.."
I didn't say anything.

"Guys come here!" he collected the people and started to make fun of me.

"Look our American goddess wasted the food!"
He said while pointing at the floor.

Everyone was looking at me and they were laughing.

I tried to escape but all in vain. He held my arm and made me stand in front of him.

" I'll let it go if you'll apologise."
Why is he being so easy? I am not the kind of person who has pride. So i apologised.  And i was about to go when he laughed and made me stand in front of him again.
"Hahah in english my dear Hana."
"Sorry." I said
"Just one word? Why can't you just make a sorry sentence?"
so this was what he was doing. Making me embarrass in front of everyone because of my poor english. Well i can admit that he was good at english so yes he can make fun of me.

"Let me help you then. Say, I am sorry Min Soojung. I won't do it again. Please forgive me."
I didn't understand as he said it too fluently.

He held me with both of my shoulders and shouted.
"Say it or....."

"Or?" Someone said. Min Soojung was popular student and no one talk against him. So who the hell is he? I with my curious eyes looked back and it was Taehyung. What the hell? I think he wants to die.

"Why are you teasing a girl? She said she's sorry so what's the purpose of talking shit?" he was even more fluent and his accent was not understandable means too good.Min Soojung left . Maybe because he didn't understand and was embarrassed to give wrong answer. Taehyung sat down and started to collect to food.

"Thank you." I said. He looked at me but didn't say anything. He collected the food and placed it on the table. I tried to talk to him but he went without listening to me. Why did he help when he had to act all cold? I just don't understand him!

Almost for a week he came to the school. And 3/6 days he sat beside me. But we merely talked. Like once he asked for a pencil. He didn't said something like Can you please give me a pencil in english but instead said "Pencil" in english. I was about to give him one but Lee seoulbi came and handed him her pouch. She is just too cheap. I placed my pencil back and continued my work. He looked several times at me this is what i thought but He was actually looking at my work. As he's an expert in english class only. He usually copied my work without even making me notice. But even if i noticed. I made an eye contact with him. Only to embarrass him that i caught him. But that didn't embarrass him anyways.

After one week we had our summer vacations and everyone said goodbye to others except me and maybe Taehyung.

"Hey! Goodbye!"
I said to Taehyung as we were leaving the school gate. He looked at me. We made an eye contact of 5 seconds and none of us blinked. It was like we are playing who blinks first but then he closed his eyes and said

"I tried to." i didn't understand what he said because he mumbled it. He didn't reply me but mumbled something. I got the idea and walked pass him.

I looked back to see him walking but he was standing at the same position. I don't know why but it somehow broke my heart. I didn't want him to be sad. So i walked back.

"Hey!" i said and we again made an eye contact. But this time he walked without answering me. Was he trying to play with me? Or is he taking revenge on me that i acted cold towards him? Well he didn't ask me to comeback it's my fault anyways. So i went home.

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