Part 6: Finding Earth

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{The ship starts beeping}
{spinel gets up and checks}
Spinel: Pink Pearl. Pinky. Hey wake up.
{Pink pearl stretches and opens her eye}
Pink pearl: Oh hey. What's going on?
{Spinel points at Earth}
Spinel: we are here, we gotta be prepared to land.
Pink Pearl: Earth is so beautiful, have you ever noticed that?
Spinel: And it accepts who we are.
{They both smile at each other, then pink Pearl gets up and they both prepare for landing}
{The ship lands on the beach shore line}
{Pink Pearl presses a button to open the door}
{The door opens}
Spinel: Finally here!
Pink Pearl: We have to find Steven, he can help us!
Spinel: Alrighty!
{Spinel steps down while holding Pink Pearl's hand, they walk together down}
{Pearl looks out the window of the house to spot both of them walking on the sand}
Pearl: STEVEN! Volleyball and Spinel are on earth!
Steven: Huh? They are??
{Steven looks out the window to see them as well}
Steven: Oh wow! We should greet them! But why didn't they take the warps?
Pearl: I'm not sure but they look lost.
Steven: Well, we have to go help them get settled for now and ask them why they took an escape pod. I have a feeling something went wrong..
Pearl: I'll prepare the house for them.
Steven: Thank you, I'll go to them.
{Steven steps outside and waves at them}
Steven: Hey!! Volleyball! Spinel!! Over here!
{Spinel squints at Steven}
Spinel: ITS STEVEN! Cmon!!
Volleyball: Oh!
{They run together toward Steven}
Steven: Hey guys! Long time no see!
Spinel: Steven we need to talk!
Volleyball: Please..
{Pearl looks at volleyball and volleyball notices and looks back, Pearl quickly looks away in embarrassment}
Spinel: Can we come in?
Steven: Yeah of course!

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