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Keira's pov

I woke up screaming and crying. I looked over to see Colby asleep. It was just over four months ago I had my incident. I'm terrified to go to parties where I know people will be drinking. I can't go near alcohol with out crying. Even the word. Alcohol. Makes me want to throw up. Colby started to sit up.
"Babe?" He asked.
"I'm okay I just had a dream again." I sighed. Colby nodded. I suddenly realised it was 12:01am. A year ago today my sister was murdered. Noen moved to LA. He lives downstairs. I climbed out of bed and ran to what was my sisters room. I never changed it.

I sit in here sometimes and act like I'm telling her all my stories from the day. Some say I'm crazy. I say I'm grieving my own way.
"Destiny you know I'm sorry for everything." I sighed.
"Sorry for stealing that $ when it was just me, you and Colby."
"Sorry for not being there all the time."
"Sorry for disappointing you when I got hit faced drunk a few months back." I said tearing up.
"Sorry I didn't stop you going to the barn." I cried.
"Sorry I didn't check the bags."
"God if I found out what you were doing at the barn I would have stopped you and called your friends parents."
"But no so you ended up getting drunk at the age of 14."
"You ended up being a smart mouth to that freaky guy."
"You ended up getting killed." I cried more. Colby sat next to me.
"It's okay baby it's okay," He said holding me.
"I just want this pain to be over." I cried. Colby pulled out his phone.
"Yo Sam get over to Keira's" he said. He carried my to the couch.

"Why her?" I asked looking at the family portrait.
"Why both of them?" I asked again.
"It's my fault they're both dead." I said emotionless.
"I started that fire."
"I did t stop her." Colby hugged me close. Him and Sam exchanged a look.

I would have never guessed they're solution would be...

Cliffhanger already 😏

362 words

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