chapter 1

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Third person Pov.
Zack was on a walk in an alley after he killed a few people. He was humming to himself until he heard a sound. He walked twords it and saw a girl on the floor half beaten with scars on her legs and arms, asleep. He started to get flashbacks of his past which started to piss him off. He walked twords her and asked her if she was alive but she didn't answer. He saw her chest was moving which meant she was still alive. Zack picked her up and took her to his hideout. (Your POV)
I woke up in a place that was unfamiliar to me. I see a man covered in bandages wile starring at me.  I then ask " who are you and where am I?"  "Names Zack and your in my hideout,I carried you here after I found you on the floor passed out." " oh..thank you I'm (y/n)" I then start to have a flashback of what happened.
Flashback your POV
My father and mother aren't the normal type.  My farther comes home drunk every night and beats me.  My mother come home in a bad mood and beats and calls me names everyday.  For some reason this week was worse,what I mean is my mother has started tho cut me every time she saw me alongside with my father.  I don't know what happened to make them do this but I've gotten used to it and now I don't even cry or scream.  This morning my mother woke me up with a bucket of cold water and big pieces of ice.  I nearly chocked from breathing it in.  I then realize my mother having a knife in her hand and she then started to cut me deep,it was deeper than usual and her eyes had a hint of red.  At this point I don't care if I died but I didn't want to give them the satisfaction.  So after an hour of beatings and name calling my mother finally left.  That's when I decided I was going it to leave this place and never come back, and that's what I did.  I ran outside as fast I could to escape this hell hole.  I then found an alley so I decided I was going to rest for a wile.  That's when I realized that everything started to get dark.  After I couldn't see anything I heard a loud crash and small thud.
Flashback over your POV
Once my flashback was over I relised that Zack had gotten closer to me, a little to close.  "Hey something wrong?" I asked.  He then said "I've been calling your name and you never responded."  Ohh...I'm sorry I was spacing out for a wile." I told him.  He then asked,"How did you get those cuts, scars, and bruises."  I didn't know what to say to him but I had this feeling that I could trust him for some odd reason, I then told him my back story.  He had this look in his eyes and he seemed to be pissed.  Then Zack asked me a question which startled me a little.  "Do you want me to kill them for what they did?"  I responded with " I don't care, do what ever you want to." I guess this sort of startled him because he looked confused and asked me, " Why the hell arn't you scared of me!!  I mean look at me, in covered in blood and just asked you if you what me to kill your parents and this is your reaction!!!"  I then looked at him confused and said  "I'm not afraid of you and I've always thought that serial killers are really cool.  You know, I like how they can do what ever they want and have the power to do so.  Also you look really cool!"

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