"we're sophomores, chill"

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y/n pov: you're kind of, in a way, talking to yourself, but in diary form.

hey, hey its me, y/n, i know what you're thinking. what are you doing, switching schools for the seventh time in the span of the last four years? well, my mother has been with a large variety of men threw the last nine years, it just happens that some of them were in the same area of the previous men, so i guess that was pretty convenient considering i wouldn't have to change schools as often. my mother has the worst commitment issues, i swear. the relationship would last a couple months, my mother would end up having an affair, which after the fourth time wasn't really surprising. but, whats kind of iconic about every single situation my mother would be put in during the end of the relationship is, she would always come up with the same explanation, and she would kind of victimize herself in a way. "you dont suit my needs anymore, Lenny. i deserve better, i'm bored." it would always be something like that, and by the end of the conversation, she would have the man convicted that it was his fault for the relationship failing. anyway, this school year is gonna be different. i'm going to turn sixteen! which means, if my mother decides that we're moving again, i'm going to get a emancipated. i'm gonna get a job soon, meaning by the time my mother moves on from the current man shes seeing, i'll have enough saved up to rent a small studio apartment. and since my mother lacks care for my wellbeing, she'll probably agree to this.  anyways, goodnight diary. i have a big first day tomorrow! i'm going to audition for Hollywood arts school! i'm very excited.

my alarm goes off, 5:35am sharp, i get up, get dressed,

morning:my alarm goes off, 5:35am sharp, i get up, get dressed,

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{this is what you're wearing}

its gonna be a big day! i enjoy the outfit i picked out :) i think its cute!

i walk downstairs and grab a bowl of cereal and sit down at my dinning room table and start eating my Reese's puffs. my mom comes out of her room in a robe and gives me a little kiss on the head and starts making her coffee. i explain to her that we should probably start leaving in an hour or two, she agrees and says that she'll get dressed after her coffee. she takes a seat next to me and asks me how i'm feeling about the soon to be audition i will be doing. "i'm pretty nervous, if i'm being honest. this is my dream school! if i get in, i could have some pretty amazing opportunities in the near future. really open up some colleges or something." then my 'step dad' Ed comes out of the same room my mom previously stepped out of. "that skirts a little short, dont ya think? i wouldn't be shocked if the rejected a skank like you from that amazing school. just sayin y/n you want this to be perfect, you Need this to be perfect. i mean, the first impression is everything, right?" i, however didn't let his negativity bring me down. my mom pitches in, "yeah uhm sweetie, maybe Ed is right,, i uh, maybe some jeans? or a long dress? i know your guitar playing is going to blow them away but you need to think about how uhm,, you present? yourself." she said in almost a questionable way. i know shes only agreeing because she doesn't want to disappoint Ed. "i'm wearing shorts under them. thanks for the suggestion though." i say in a obviously sarcastic tone, with a smile on my face. i get up from the table, bring my bowl to the sink and go upstairs to grab my phone, headphones, and guitar. i make my way back downstairs and out the door. "i'll be waiting outside, mama!" i yell loud enough for her to hear me. only thirty five minutes the audition, but we only live about ten minutes from the school and my mom should be ready in about fifteen so that leaves ten minutes to fuck around, waiting for my name to be called when we get to the school. i plug my headphones in listening to {whatever you listen to mostly}, and after a couple of minutes my mother comes out of the house all dolled up in case she meets a man that could have any possible interest in her. we start driving and dont say a word. she knows i'm upset with her, thats why shes not putting in effort to make conversation. but its whatever, we finally arrive and i basically jump out of the car before its even turned off yet. i'm eager to start this audition! i get to the building and theres a curly haired boy, tallish boy with glasses holding the door open for me, how sweet. i thank him and go inside, my mom right behind me. "he's kinda cute, dont you think?" my face is completely red, my mom is always trying to push me yo talk to guys but i always feel as if i'm a little to awkward, it sucks. " i-i guess?" i was totally lying. of course i found him cute! i just didn't wanna go over board because my mom would totally try to pressure me to talk to him. but now i cant get him out of my head. he seemed so polite but awkward at the same time. it was almost my time to go on stage. oh god oh fuck i was getting a little sweaty. the cute boy walked up behind me and tapped on my shoulder, i was slightly startled by this, but i politely greeted him. "hi!,, uhm sorry for bothering you but my grandma would not stop teasing me," he paused, and pointed to what i assumed to be his grandma. "she called me out on uhm staring at you and well i guess what i wanted to say was... good luck! i'm Robbie by the way, hopefully ill see you around sometime" he smiled at me. i felt really great.. but before i could say anything my name was called. "y/n   y/l/n, you're up!" i walked on stage. i felt good, but i had many butterflies in my tummy seeing all those people staring at me. i got my guitar out of its case and played ' Bad Idea by Girl in Red'
after a few minutes everyone was on their feel clapping. the curtains closed but the clapping continued. i felt good, i ran to my mom and gave her a hug.

later that night
i was laying in bed around 8:04pm when i got an email saying that the judges loved my piece and i start school tomorrow. i jumped out of bed and screamed out of excitement! my mom rushed up the stairs and i showed her the email. she joined me and we played music for the rest of the night and danced around, until about 10:30, then i picked out my outfit i was gonna wear the day prior. then figured i would get some goodnights rest.

hehe 1217 words! i shall be making the next chapter hopefully soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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