The Snap

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Yoongi felt a hand on his shoulder as he stirred awake "Just five more minutes.." he mumbled to the person responsible for his rude awakening.

"Dude, you gotta pay attention this is important for the exam!" Chirped his partner  Hoseok, eyes as bright as the sun and supporting the widest grin. Yoongi chuckled, as if he needed help on the exam. Yoongi knows to always bubble letter C if all else fails.

The two continued to listen to the lecture when Hoseok heard a whisper behind him. "hey! psstt.." Jungkook whispered loudly to the boy in front of him, "whats up with the teacher?"

Hoseok was confused at first, but then realized that their professor was acting strange, she looked ill.

The woman was a sickly shade of gray , almost to the point of her looking transparent. Not only was the color washed away from her, the veins in her hands were showing blood slowly crawling up to her arms. It was black as ink.

"What the fuck is that???" Yoongi asked, more weirded out than scared. Jungkook shook his head at the boy, just as confused as he was to the situation.

"Wait!!", Taehyung piped up next to jungkook, "it's happening to other people too!" He pointed a finger at the table next to him, where a petite girl sat tapping her pencil quite aggressively.

"This can't be good,i'm goin to text Namjoon, maybe he'll know what's going on." Jungkook nodded to the silver haired boy sitting next to him in agreement, "good thinking Jimin, because I have no idea what has gotten into these women."

Just then, the younger girl screamed out. She started to stand up on her own.. and was lifted slightly off the ground.her eyes were completely black.

The group of boys backed up in panic as the rest of the students made a mad dash out of class, causing a frenzy on their way out. But Jungkook wanted to know. Jimin was grabbing onto his arm, holding on for dear life in pure fright, and then it happened.

And they both she dropped.

"Well that was awful-" taehyung got cut off as the brightest white light shown through the dimly lit room, causing all five of the boys to shield their eyes from the blinding beams. And suddenly it was over.
"dramatic" Tae cringed, finishing up what he was saying.

"Woah woahhhh where did they go? They were right here and now they're gone!!" Yoongi yelled, full on panicking at this point.

And that's when Jin ran through the door. "Did you just see what I saw?" He asked the group of boys with obvious concern. They all nodded slowly, still not fully processing the females that just disappeared before them. "We need to get out of here. Joon just called. he's waiting for us in his car. We have to leave now."

"Its happening"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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