Santa's Star

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Before we begin I would like to say thank you to my family as well as my girlfriend and her family. Injuries and finances hit us hard and when the topic of Christmas came up we all smiled.

I also want to thank my followers and apprentices for support.

Merry Christmas.


It was that time of year again. Families getting together for Christmas. It was two days before Christmas Seattle 2019. It was snowing and everyone in the city was trying to get home. Some having different arrangements then others. It all came down to crunch-time. The holidays were all in effect. The busiest time of the year for others. 

On the outskirts of the city for a manor. This must have belonged to a great man of power. Which it did. However, a very humble man. Inside the walls of this manor on fifty acres of land lived a man named Dave Bloomer. Along side his wife Erica and son Danny. Across the table the man's brother Dominic with his sister-in-law Elise and nephew Damion or Dame for short. 

"It's a pleasure to have you here sitting at my table once again Dom." Dave raised his glass at the large table.

"Thanks again for hosting the getaway  Dave." Smiled his brother.

"I can help get to similar goals. Just say when." 

"Thank you Dave, but I like where I am for the time being." Dominic insisted.

"Alright. I know how you like the students and such." Dave took a sip of his beer.

"It's not just the students. I enjoy teaching and coaching football. It's what I had the opportunity to do. Dave our parents have gone but the company went well under your leadership. Dad would be proud and you deserve it. Me? Well we have this conversation a lot. I saved up the money so I can get where I am. Yeah some years are better than others, but the reward at the end you just cannot buy." Dominic looked over at his wife and son. "I can say the three of us are happy and in good health. Better yet all six of us. I am truly grateful for where I am. You on your end should be proud too."

"Well I'm the CEO of a company our father help found and I took it to great lengths. Of course I'm proud. I have a beautiful wife and handsome son at that." Dave said in a smug tone.

"Quite right. We all have goals Dave, all in which are different."

"Indeed." Then he looked down at the table. "Say Dame?"

"Yeah Uncle Dave?" Asked Dame.

"What's your dream?"

Dame smiled. "It's a lot to ask, but I would like to be a wide receiver for the Seattle Seahawks. In college I want to be finance major for a backup. I'm good with numbers." 

Danny smirked. "Yeah, good luck." He said sarcastically.

"A guy can try right?" Dame smiled.

"And I can be realistic and try. I want to invest and go with something I can control. Nothing to do with body, talent, luck, and countless training. Much work for something that has a short career." Danny seemed very realistic, though very rude and harsh about it.

"Now Danny, was that nice?" Asked his mother Erica.

"What? After he's done with school with his major we can work for Dad." Thought Danny.

"The two of you will always be in my regards. Don't you worry boys. But Dom has a point. I wanted to be where I'm at. I wanted to make this the best it can be. The same thing goes with the two of you. You are cousins and both sixteen-years-old. College is around the corner and both of you have the GPA do get into good schools. Sports, education, or having fun it is all up to you. But no matter what path the two of you choose, you make all of us proud." Dave raised his glass. "Cheers."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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