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Chaeyoung opened her eyes as the music came to an end and she was welcomed with nothing. Jennie's not there anymore. She lets her eyes roam around the studio but the brunette was really gone.

"I knew it. That devil's really up to something."

She gritted her teeth and got up from the stool when the door suddenly opened, revealing a straight-faced Jennie.

"You done already?" the brunette asked and walked towards her.

"Uh, no, I just noticed you were gone", she answered, "I thought you're up to no good again."

Jennie shook her head, "I see it's really hard for you to trust me."

"Yeah, I totally have trust issues with you."

The brunette lets out a humorless chuckle before turning into her serious face, "How did you know that song, by the way?"

"What song?"

"That song you just played."

"Oh, that one? That's a piece of the great Stella Kim."

Jennie subtly clenched her fist at the mention of the name but didn't show it.

"I'm a huge fan of her. Her music really inspired me a lot since I was young", the blonde continued with a smile, "and that one's my favorite piece of hers."

Jennie nodded, not meeting Chaeyoung's eyes, "You're...good. Well considering that the official version was never released. Only the unedited version with no music sheet."

"I play by the ears", she answered, "I didn't know how to read music sheets before, so, yeah."

The brunette nodded again and an uncomfortable silence engulfs them afterwards.

"You must be a fan, too", Chaeyoung spoke, earning the other girl's attention.


"You knew the official version was never released. You must be her fan, too."

Jennie looked at her with an unreadable expression. She doesn't know why, but her usual cocky and sharp eyes looked so empty right now. Or maybe it's just her imagination?

"I just...know her", the brunette replied flatly before changing the subject, "The first one you played. Was that your original?"

Chaeyoung shrugged off her thoughts and nodded, "Yeah, the one I'll be performing on wednesday."

"That sounded like an actual song with lyrics. Why didn't you sing it?"

"I'm not yet done with the lyrics. I'm kind of detailed with my words, so, I'm still working on it."

"Ooh, a perfectionist, huh."

"Shut up."

Jennie chuckled before grabbing a stool and settling infront of the piano, "I can help with the lyrics."

"I'm sorry?" she blinked at her.

"I said I can help you with the lyrics. Give me the sheet."

"No way. I can do it."

"Just give me the sheet."

"There's no way I'll show you my—"

Chaeyoung was cut off when the other girl grabs her bag and took out her pink notebook.

"Is it here?" Jennie asks while flipping through the notebook's pages.

"I— you devil, don't touch my stuff!" she yelled while reaching for her notebook from the brunette's grasp.

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