Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip..... Piipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppp……
Wang… Wang… Wang… Wang……..
“Huh…….huh….huh….” I breathe heavily.
“Ohhh… It was just a dream.” I said and looked over the window. I saw the sun smiling at me. I stood up and make a step to the window.
“What a beautiful day! Thank you, Lord for this new day to begin.” I said with a big smile on face.
I am walking here in the lobby and I was surprise when someone calling my name.
“Fritz! Fritz! Wooohoooo…” the girl shouted.
I turned to her. It was my cousin, Marie.
“Ohh! Hello!” I said to her.
“Are you fine? Is there something wrong? What makes you bothered? You look pale, are you sick?” she said.
“Marie! What are you saying? I’m very much fine.” I said with a high tone.
“I’m sorry. I‘m just concern to you.” she whispered.
“I’m sorry, too. I was just... Ahhhh…… Oh My Gosh.” I stopped talking when someone accidentally hit me.
I was on the floor and I saw the guy walking near me. He gave his right hand to help me to stand but I just ignore him. I stand up on my own.
“I’m so sorry. I haven’t real intention to hit you. I’m very sorry.” he said.
“Sorry? As in S-O-R-R-Y? OMG! Who popularized that? You?Pak!” I said and slapped him.
“Couz, stop it! Let’s go, Fritz. Let’s go!” Marie said.
“Okay, fine.” I said with sarcasm.
I looked to the guy with my very angry face and said “We’re not yet done.”
“Grrrrrr!!! He was like a pest! It’s seems like my day get worst.” I said angrily.
“Calm down, Fritz. Okay, let’s do this. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. ” Marie said.
“Okay.” I said smoothly.
“Ting! Ting! Ting!” the bell rang.
“Ohh! What time is it? Oh my gosh!” I said with panic.
“What?” she said.
“Marie, Oh My gosh! Marie! Where’s my bracelet?” I said.
“What? Your bracelet? I don’t know. Maybe, you left it in your house.” she said.
“Marie! I wasn’t left it in home. I didn’t unhook it ever since. Marie, please help me to find my bracelet.” I said worriedly.
“Fine. Just sit and don’t panic. Remember, where you placed it.” she said.
I think and think. Reminisced and reminisced. Until…
“Aha! I knew it. The guy… the guy who suddenly hit me… that guy.” I said and pointed the guy who hit me afterwards.
I stand up and ran to the guy.
“Fritz!” Marie shouted and ran to me.
“Hey! You! The guy wears blue shirt. Psssssst! What’s your name?” I shouted.