Chapter 1: Kiddnapping A Fairy

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It was a great day and all the guild members we're enjoying themselves since there were no jobs it was basically a calm day. So Erza decided to go out for a walk to enjoy the fresh air but, as she walking there is a shadowy figure following her.

Erza: *walks towards the figure slowly*
???: oh it's one of those fairy tail wizards
???: Ooh let's take her with us the boss will love her
???: *Knocks Erza out and they take her to their guild* hey boss look who we ran into *tosses her in front of him* a fairy tail wizard I'm sure you can get information on the guild
Boss: *looks at her* well well you guys got a good one here....Erza Scarlett also known as Titania toss her in the torture chamber
???: Yes sir *takes Erza to the chamber and tosses her in and closes the door and locks it*

*Several hours pass*
Wendy: *walks to mira* have you seen Erza?
Mira: that you mention it I haven't seen Erza since this morning when she said she was going for a walk
Cana: she could've went to see Jellal
Mira: hmm those to have been hanging out more often since the 100 year quest
Lucy: maybe someone can go see if she is
Wendy: I'll go *heads off to go find Jellal but as she walking she runs in to Meredy*

*Meanwhile in the Torture Chamber*

Boss: looks at Erza* don't you just look absolutely stunning *ravishes her from top to bottom* now tell me what I want to know
Erza: I'll never tell you about my guild
Boss: hmm I guess torture it is
Erza: who are you and what do you want?
Boss: *uses a tazer on her* I am Zeller and revenge
Erza: winces from the zap* I won't tell you nothing
Zeller: well if that's the case I can just take out the one you love
Erza: please leave him out of this
Zeller: oh...did I just hit a soft side? *Uses a studded whip*
Erza: *tears stream down her face as she screams in pain just hoping someone could hear her cries for help*

*Back in magnolia*
Meredy: what's the hurry Wendy? *Looks at her out of curiosity and concern*
Wendy: it's Erza she has been go for a while she said she was going for a walk but she never returned it's been 4 plus hours since I came to see if she may be with you guys
Meredy: well no she's not...we have to find her I couldn't bare to know she's missing or worse *suddenly feels someone touch her on the head* hey....
Jellal: whats going on? And Wendy your here
Meredy: she thought Erza might've been here but she not here or at their guild
Jellal: I see....let's split up and look for her
Wendy: okay
*Meredy and Wendy go one way and Jellal goes towards a building*

*Back at the building*
Zeller: your so beautiful I should just do things to you *rubs her sides*
Erza: *trembles from the touch* s-stop it....
Zeller: *uses the same whip but with more force*
Erza: screams in agansing pain* j-jellal....please someone
Zeller: go find this person she's talking about and take care of him
???: Yes sir *disappears*
Erza: *cries* no please
Zeller: shut up...your resistance put this open you now I will do things to you *undoes himself and tear every inch of clothing from her body*
Erza: no.... please....s- *feels zeller force himself in her* n-no....stop.... please
Zeller: *covers her mouth so she can't scream and keeps having his way* oh...such beauty I don't want to stop this *squeezes on her chest*

*Back in Magnolia the looking comes to a stop*
Wendy: let's go meet up with Jellal there no one down here
Meredy: yeah *sees it get dark for a moment* let's hurry
Wendy: yeah
*After a while they fight off all the goons they all go to the building*
Jellal: she's here....I heard her screams *clinches fist* I just hope she's okay
Wendy: I do too

Sorry to call it but that is the end of chapter one! I hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for chapter two!
Who is this dark force?
Will Jellal get to Erza before it's too late?
Find out next time!

Bye-bye! ^_^

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