Mike finna die

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T.V:Ok so Floofy_Mellow wants Mike to go to Foxy and yell 'Yarr I am a pirate',gives Vincent a voodoo doll of Scott just no perverted/torture stuff,and says your welcome to Scott
Scott:Ok?Yeah you are right I ain't use to that
Mike:Oh god
T.V:Go Mike and do your dare
Mike:*Goes to Freddy's and walks to Pirate cove*YARR I AM A PIRATE!!!
Foxy:Grrr landluber!
Foxy:*chases*Ay get back here!
Vincent:*hugs doll*
T.V:Ok now that's just cute
Scott:Why do I feel like I am being hugged?
T.V:Oh Vincent's new voodoo doll of you
Scott:Oh o-WAIT WHAT?!
Vincent:I like my doll
Scott:Vincent don't do anything bad with tha-
Vincent:*hugging doll*
Scott:Oh um ok that's fffUCK!TO TIGHT!
Vincent:*squeezed doll on accident*
Scott:Fuck my rib again!
T.V:Then again Vincent still has to ignore you
Scott:Damn it
T.V:Well better end the chapter here PEACE!

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