The meeting

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A young girl around the age of 19 sits chained up. "Y

. We have some good news you will be getting a room mate." Said the over excited lady. You where never too fond of her, she was a bit too....peppy to you. As for you,you where wearing black ripped jeans, a crisp white straight jacket with the sleaves undone, with a shirt underneath that was a bit stained, and black converse. You had light paper white skin and crimson eyes that dripped black gunk. Any way the lady left but soon you hear the sound of footsteps and a voice. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU ASSHATS" soon a person is thrown onto you. "OH SHI-" you said before landing with a thud. The door slammed behind y'all. The boy sat to where he was cradling your waist. "The fuck are you?" He asked. You looked up to see a pale face and a horrifying grin cut in. His eyes seemed to be burned out. " HEY PRINCESS ANSWER THE QUESTION" . "Im Y\N. Not that it matters much". He seemed to be thinking "well y.n(I'm going to start writing it like that sorry) I have a question...why are you here?". Your smile grew to one of that of a smile child. "Because I murdered my family and tons of other people hahakesesese" you said though laughs. "Hmmm.... I don't want to stay here to long so help me escape and I'll take you with me. How does that sound?" He said. "Great but I forgot to ask....what's your name?" "Jeff. Jeff the killer." He said proudly.
I like him(this is the voices in your head)

He does seem interesting
Anyway hurry up and get out of here!!!!

You both walked over to the door and busted open causing the alarm to go off. Y'all ran to the front door and ran and ran till you got to the front door.
Finally after ten years freedom you thought

Jeff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now