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About thirty minutes of tense quietness, charge stepped on to the bridge.
"How's it looking charge?" commander Flynn asked anxiously."Engines are good to go,no damages. We made a complete check over and
everything seems to be fine."Charge said. Shortly after Swain came back up the steps "Sir, the crew seems to be fine except for spider. He fell out of his rack and sprained his elbow. He should definitely get an x-ray when were back in port but I'm sure that it isn't broken."
The moment Commander Flynn wanted to answer when a mayday came in.
"Nav, mark this coordinates on the map and make RO give a warning to the nearby ships. We'll investigate later what the hell that was."he ordered quickly before he answered the mayday.

Kara quickly marked the coordinates on the map and because RO heard what the Co had ordered he was already on it. When the coordinates of the may
day came in she quickly plotted a course and told commander Flynn that it would take them just around fifteen minutes.
And so they began steering their way to the may day.

When they reached the ship that had sent the may day nobody could be seen on deck.
"Nav, call out the boarding party, that includes you. They said overradio that they had some problems with setting their course on their digital system."Commander Flynn ordered and so Kara took the intern speaking station "hands to boarding stations, hands to boarding stations, hands to boarding stations, damage control stage three, condition voyage." After she ended she made her way down to the lockers to get
herself equipped for the boarding.

"Ma'am with respect what are you doing here?" 2Dads asked a little
baffled seeing Kara in boarding gear which was being checked by Buffer.
"can't I have a little fun to?"She asked holding in a laugh like Swain on the opposite side of the equipping room.
2dads left it with that and after all of them were ready and had a gun in their leg holster they jumped onto the RHIB and made their way to the small boat.

When they jumped on board, all of them instinctively kept their weapons at the ready.
Kara was feeling confident while they searched the boat. She referred to boarding's as like riding a bicycle, you no matter what never forget how to do it but somehow as they searched below decks she found herself in a
precarious situation.

A knife was being held to her neck the blade pressing into her skin.

"Found any thing Nav?"2Dads spoke as he exited the room he had just searched,but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw that a man pressed a knife to Kara's neck.
"Putt that knife down, NOW."2Dads ordered training his weapon on the guy.
Buffer and Bomber had seen the scene from the staircase and were sneaking up from behind.
"No, you put your gun down and I won't slit her throat."the hostage taker replied with a smug grin on his face and pressed the knife harder against her neck.

The smug grin quickly disappeared when he felt the cold barrel of a gun being pressed to his neck. He slowly let go of Kara and put the knife on the ground.

Before anyone could have done anything, Kara turned around and hit the guy right in his face, letting him drop to the ground out cold.

In the meanwhile the X and Swain had found the guy who had sent the may day. He was doing totally fine and was so thankful for the rescue.

On the Hammersley Commander Mike Flynn and charge were standing on the bridge watching as crew part after crew part came back on deck,not seeing Nav, Buffer and Bomber on deck Mike was thinking about if he made the
wrong choice to let Nav go on board the SIEV.
"Sit rep,X" he spoke into the radio that connected the bridge of the
Hammersley with the boarding party.

"Sir,X. We have one guy in custody, we had a short hostage situation below decks but we could avoid any injuries except for a broken nose. We could free the skipper who sent the may day. We'll make a second sweep to
make sure we haven't missed anything or anybody."the X explained over the radio."Wait a second X, what do you mean with we had a short hostage situation?" "I'd like to explain that when we're back."X answered.

"Now X, why has that guy a broken nose and what the heck did you mean with we had a short hostage situation?"Mike asked the boarding crew when they were standing on the quarter deck by the RHIB's."Sir, I can explain that."Nav spoke up to surprise of the others."Well,when we split up 2Dads and I went below decks. While 2Dads was securing one of the rooms I was standing in the hallway. I have no idea where he came from but suddenly I feel a knife against my throat."
Bomber than continued"Buff and I saw this situation from the staircase. We snuck up on them and manage to get the knife away from him.Kara hit him in the face out of pure self defense."
The Co locked at Kate who nodded her head confirming that it was true.

After Bomber and the rest of the boarding party had gotten rid of the equipment she had been pulled aside by Kara and Kate.

"look Kate I know that you know and not mad on you Bom, but I have one question? Why did you two lie to Commander Flynn?"
"That's how it happened."they two answered like out of one mouth, making all three of the girls laugh.

The two hours before dinner shift Kara spend reading her e-mails and taking a little nap.

When she reached the bridge for shift swap Buffer was already there and a steaming Navigators Brew was standing in the cup holder of the captains chair.
"awww, thank you Pete. That's just what I needed." she said giving Pete a kiss on his cheek before settling in in the captains chair.

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