six; wasp

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six; wasp

drew barrymore {bryce vine}

" the way you shiver, dig into my shoulder blades, feel it when you quiver, higher level, elevate..."


Spencer pulled her headphones out of her ears, amazed that she'd been able to sound even a little prepared for the call she just finished.

She rubbed her eyes, her mind still firmly fixed on the...almost kiss that she'd shared with Chris earlier that day. The energy in the space between their bodies had been electric, and a shock ran through her at the mere memory of it.

Her phone chimed, and she saw Chris's name on the screen.

Speak of the Devil, she thought as she unlocked her phone to read his message.

New IMessage from Chris

Pizza and a movie at 8?

New IMessage to Chris

I'll be there

Her hands shook as she set her phone down, pure excitement and nerves creating so much nervous energy. She was so awake but so tired at the same time, and barely had enough foresight to set an alarm before she passed out on the couch, too exhausted to dream of anything.

It felt like it'd only been 5 minutes when Spencer's alarm went off in her ear, and she rolled over, shutting her phone off. She nearly went back to sleep when she was reminded of exactly why she had set that alarm in the first place, which snapped her awake in seconds.

Wriggling out of bed, she staggered to the kitchen, downed a glass of water, and was out the door to Chris's in less than five.

She knocked on the door and it opened to reveal Chris in a black hoodie and black skinny jeans, his eyes lighting up as he saw her. "Hey, Spence," He grinned, theatrically gesturing for her to come in.

Spencer smiled and walked inside, Chris shutting the door.

Just as Spencer settled onto the couch, the doorbell rang, and she watched Chris take a pizza from a rather intimidated delivery boy. Spencer giggled inwardly, because she'd never found him frightening...just very attractive and darkly handsome.

"Are you hungry or do you wanna wait?" He asked, and Spencer shrugged. "I think I'm good right now. Thank you though."

He flopped onto the couch next to her, his long limbs taking up much more space than hers. One of Chris's tattooed arms went around Spencer's shoulders, and she subconsciously snuggled into his side as the movie started (which was The Lost Boys).

About half way through, Spencer announced that she was hungry and wriggled out of the blankets (and consequently Chris's warm hold), heading to the kitchen where the pizza they'd ordered was sitting on the counter. She was so focused on getting the box open that she didn't hear Chris come up behind her, and was surprised when a tattooed arm reached around her to grab a slice.

"Jesus, you scared me again! How are you so quiet?" She laughed, and Chris shrugged, his eyes crinkling with a smile. "Dunno," He said, mouth full of pizza, "Guess I'm just light on my feet."

"Alert me next time," Spencer sighed with a grin, finishing hers after a moment. She turned back around to face him, and suddenly, she felt as if the world had shifted slightly, something had changed.

Her eyes swept over the wayward black hair that fell across his face, to his gentle brown eyes, and lingered on his lips. She almost went weak in the knees as she saw his eyes the way they were really meant to be seen: not the eyes that everyone else saw, but HIS eyes. The ones you only saw when his guard was down.

Spencer felt feverish with the immense restraint it took to keep her hands in her lap, so badly she wanted to reach out and run her knuckles against the tattooed writing across his jaw. She'd never felt this before, this urge to touch another person so strong she felt as if she was burning from the inside out.

Chris must have felt the same, for his eyes never left hers as he leaned closer. Slowly, he reached out to run the tips of his fingers lightly from the tender skin on the inside of Spencer's wrist to the crook of her elbow and back down again. Spencer shivered, and felt herself lean into him, raising her face to his in invitation. Chris watched her through eyes hooded with desire as he brought his hand up again, further this time.

Pushing the weight of her hair off of her shoulder, his hand lifted to cup the side of her neck. His thumb stroked her burning cheek as he leaned, slowly closing the distance between them before he brushed his lips across hers.

Chris kissed her gently at first, then with greater pressure. His lip piercings offered a startling contrast in temperature that left her shaking, and Spencer wrapped her arms around his neck, ignoring the fact that the movie still played in the other room as she wound her fingers through the silky black strands that curled against his neck. With a ragged gasp, his hand went around the small of her back, pulling her tightly against him.

She let him hold her, drowning herself in the smell of him. A soft gasp left her lips as he kissed her again, surprised at how impossibly gentle he was being with her.

"Fuck," Chris said breathlessly, pulling back for a moment to catch his breath. Spencer clung to him, a deep ache in her chest. It wasn't a bad ache was almost like the kiss lit a fire in her body, and now Chris was the only one capable of putting it out.

She reached up on her tiptoes to kiss him again, his hand cradling the back of her head as his eyes slipped shut. Her hands found their way to the hem of his hoodie, and he understood, pulling it up over his head in one smooth movement.

His skin was hot under her fingers, the tattoos swirling across his chest and down his arms, up his neck and down to his ribs. It was intoxicating.

She let out a squeak of surprise as he lifted her suddenly, her legs hooked around his hips, his big hands gripping her thighs. Her nails dug into his shoulderblades, eliciting a growl from deep in his throat as his lips captured hers again. The sound sent a shock through her body, and she gasped as he all but tore her oversized t-shirt off of her, his lips moving to her jaw.

He knew exactly how to touch her, nipping all of the right places, his piercings like ice against her skin.

"You wanna—?" He started, and she couldn't get her gasp of an answer out fast enough. "Yes!"

Chris grinned darkly, effortlessly carrying her out of the kitchen to his bedroom. Spencer sighed as he laid her on top of the sheets, his deft fingers undoing the button on her jeans, sliding them off of her legs.

She reached up and grabbed his belt, yanking him forward and down, Chris having to brace himself on his elbows to avoid crushing her beneath him.

"Didn't take you for a feisty one," He laughed, and Spencer rolled her eyes. "Surprise."

He grinned as he undid his belt, leaning down to kiss her again.

Spencer allowed herself to get lost in him that night, letting him in and allowing him to make her feel things that she hadn't....well, ever. No one had ever made her feel the way Chris did. His kisses were like novocaine, his touch absolutely unbelievable.

Her cries of pleasure were lost in the falling snow outside their window, the night creeping by in a flurry of limbs, heavy breaths, and whispered names.

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