Chapter One: My Sister Is A Pain

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John groaned inwardly as Wendy began to tell of another story, something involving pirates and a strange bird. It was the Darling's first full-family tea since Grand-Mama returned from her work in Exeter and already his sister had spoilt it.

"Pass zee gravy please," grinned his younger brother, Michael. Wendy had recently inspired him to become The French Ambassador. He supposed listening to him spout out nonsense was a small price to pay for Michael's happiness.

"Wendy dear, do give it a rest" Scolded their mother, her voice a summer breeze. John ground his teeth, catching the approving glint in her eye. Wendy had always been the favourite. Their little girl.

The thought made his stomach churn. Girls. Ugh.

Wendy. She'd never tried to hide her flaws, though she had many. When they were reading a text from the bible each week, she's make this continuous buzzing sound, like that of a fly, as she skimmed over it. Another thing had been the single curl on her forehead that did not belong to either side of her face. Yesterday he'd spotted her gazing out of the window during their math tutoring, her book displaying a sketch of a boy with large, fairy-like wings.

And that brought him to her last flaw. Boys.

Mama and Papa had constantly attempted to suitor her. They would send her to banquets to meet tall, handsome men. Respectable, sensible, charming gentleman, any of which she could choose, for the striking beauty she inherited from their mother could seize any man.

And yet she had chosen none. Not a single one. Claiming they were all too unfeeling, too robotic and just plain boring. How he envied her. He would often scan the crowd, eager to find someone suitable for his sister. Someone with dark hair, blue eyes, a strong jaw. A man that stood up straight, his head held high.

John Swallowed.

Yes, that would be good. For her.

"Michael, pass the cranberry sauce, would you dear?" His grandmamma asked.

"Sure!" said his brother merrily.

"So John..." began his father "I hear there were very many girls at the Sander's Ball last week. Met anyone that takes your fancy, son?" He smiled lightly, whist cutting his large steak.

"Well...I..." John swallowed.

"Yes, John" Wendy smiled sweetly "Like any girrrls?" she giggled.

"May I be excused?" he asked.

His father shot him a puzzled look, but still replied "Of course"

John stood up, painfully aware of everyone's eyes on him. Quickly he pushed in his chair and hurried up the stairs.

Thank heavens!

John closed the door quietly and then leaned against it, letting out a long breath.

"'Rents causing you trouble?" asked an unfamiliar voice.

John jumped. Quickly, he searched for the source.

"Not that I'm a very good judge, but they've always seemed rather...bothersome" he paused "Don't you agree?"

John slowing lifted his head to stare up at the ceiling. And there he was.

A boy. Floating. On the ceiling.

John felt nauseous.

Without taking his eyes off the boy, John stumbled in the general direction of the bed. He had barely made it before the darkness took him.


Hey!! This is my first published work so please be gentle ;p I know this chapter was boring as hell, but I promice the story will get more interesting. Thanks for reading xox

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