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You honestly had no idea how you got that far. But there you were, standing next to your new members. Confetti fell from the ceiling, the audience applauding and screaming your new group name.

When it was all over, you stood awkwardly next to your members, posing for photos, trying to make it as natural as possible. A ten person girl group. No one thought it was going to work. Heck, even you had your doubts.

At first there was slight problems, slight language barriers between all of you. Everyone took their time explaining everything, gradually becoming closer. Becoming a small family.

-Present day-

You sat on the couch in the dorm, Momo had her legs draped over you as you both stared intently at the tv screen.

"The next step is very vital to this recipe." The chef announced on the tv.

"He forgot the oil." You muttered to yourself. As you finished speaking, the chef's pan caught fire, causing the other competing chefs to jump in horror.

"He's going to lose." Momo frowned. "And he ruined the jokbal." She pouted.

"What are you guys watching?" Chaeyoung's voice caught your attention. You glanced up from the tv, seeing her and Mina walk in from the hall.

"Some chef competition show." You shrugged.

"Oh. Can we use the tv? We want to play Mario Kart but Mina's laptop won't let her plug in her switch." Chaeyoung asked. You nodded, letting them set up their little video game. Momo looked at you, then back at Mina before pulling out her phone. You raised an eyebrow at her as your phone vibrated. You picked it up, seeing a photo from Momo. Of course a picture of jokbal.

"Let's go get it. I'm starving." She complained.

"No. We have to eat the food here." You pushes her legs off of you, causing her to almost fall off the couch in the process. A laugh escaped your mouth as you grabbed her arm, pulling her back up. You looked up to see Mina watching your both with a small smile on her lips.

"Are we ordering?" Chaeyoung gasped while turning her attention from the tv.

"No! Tzuyu and I promised to make food today." You exclaimed at her.

"Tzuyu is doing her schedule today. She won't be home until late." Mina frowned.

"I guess I'll cook alone then." You sighed as you stood from the couch.

After an hour of prepping the food, Mina walked into the kitchen and watched for a moment before wandering to the fridge.

"Do you need help?" She asked while taking out a bottle of coconut water.

"No, I'll be okay." You gave her a small smile as you started to place the pieces of chicken in a large pan. You struggled slightly, trying to open a spice container without taking off your gloves, causing Mina to chuckle as she grabbed the small bottle from you.

"Still don't need help?" She smirked while handing the bottle back.

"Maybe just for opening things." You chuckled.

It wasn't long before Mina had her own apron on and helping with cooking. The entire kitchen smelled of food, causing a few members to crawl out of their hiding places and hover in the kitchen and watch like vultures.

After another hour, dinner was served and everyone was silent for once. Tzuyu apologized for not helping, feeling terrible for not remembering her schedule. You shrugged it off, knowing the feeling all too well.

After dinner you sat in your bed, playing on your switch instead of watching whatever drama they were obsessed with in the living room. You were mid-battle when you saw a little notification pop up with Mina's name showing she was online. You ignored it at first until she sent a text asking if you wanted to battle her.

That was practically all you did if you didn't have a schedule. You wished your tour would come sooner, just so you wouldn't be bored out of your wits.

After a week of the same thing, you were on a plane headed to Japan. You smiled as you sat next to Jihyo. She gave you a tired smile before putting her earphones in. You looked around at other members, watching them all do practically the same thing. You let out a small sigh as you pulled out your phone to play a dumb game.

"Y/N." A small voice pulled you from your focus. You looked up to see Sana staring at you from across the little hallway. "Wanna watch?" She held up her phone, showing a horror movie title screen.

"How?" You frowned at her. She looked at Momo who was already starting to fall asleep and nudged her.

"Switch seats with Y/N." She frowned. Monk shrugged and did as told as you quickly changed seats. After a few minutes of reconnecting your AirPods to Sana's phone, both of you started watching the horror movie.

When the plane landed, the two of you were both terrified to no end, to the point of Sana holding your hand tightly as you exited the plane. The body guards quickly got the group together, and rushed you through the terminal. You felt a tightness in your chest, trying your best to keep up with everything and everyone. Sana held onto your hand, keeping her head down as she followed the guard.

"Sana..." You whimpered while letting go of her hand and grabbing her arm. She pulled you close to her, giving you a reassuring smile as you two walked through the crowd of people. Everyone screaming your names, bright flashes everywhere. You were petrified.

"You're okay." Sana whispered in your ear as you walked through. "Almost there."

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