2: F R I E N D S

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I make it to the bus stop, it only takes me a couple of minutes to get there. My legs are aching, I guess the ointment hasn't kicked in yet. Luckily, there's a place to sit while I wait for the bus. I take a seat, sighing in relief, sitting makes my legs feel a bit better. Minutes go by and it starts raining, well, drizzling. I like the rain, it calms me. I inhale deeply then exhale, liking how the rain feels on my skin. It starts to rain harder as I hear footsteps, laughter, and chit-chat coming my way. I ignore whoever is coming and close my eyes, tilt my head up and let the harsh sprinkle onto my skin. It feels nice, really nice.

I sit like that for a few moments, hearing other students talking with others loudly as they wait for the bus. I don't pay them any mind, I just continue doing what I'm doing. The rain suddenly stops falling onto me so I open my eyes and notice an umbrella above me. "Here." A deep voice says, wanting me to take the umbrella. "Oh... I don't need it, thank you though." I say softly, pushing the umbrella closer to him, hinting at him to move it away from me. "You do need it, or else you're going to catch a cold." He states, "Come on, just take it." I shake my head, "Listen, I really don't want the--" He takes my hand and forces me to grab the umbrella, it's now in my hand.

I sigh in defeat, "Thanks I guess." I mutter, moving the umbrella a bit so I can see the person better. My eyes widen at the guy, he was attractive, really attractive. He has tan skin and short dreads that reach a couple of inches passed his ears with dark brown eyes and noticeable freckles sprinkled across his hot looking face. I look him up and down, he is wearing expensive but nice looking clothes, unlike me. It's raining harder and I notice that he doesn't have an extra umbrella to use for himself. "You should have the umbrella, it's raining harder now and you could catch a cold." I tell him.

He give me a wide smile, his dimples showing. "Nah, I'll be fine!" He says with a thumbs up, I couldn't help but smile back. I just shrug, holding the umbrella tightly. Me and the guy both sit in silence, he's standing while I'm standing. A couple of feet away from us were a group of students, mostly girls, talking and gossiping to each other. There are two girls with red hair and blue eyes, they look very similar face wise, definitely not clothing wise, maybe they're twins? One of the red heads with shorter hair had her arm wrapped around a small and skinny blonde haired girls' shoulders.

"Hey.. so what's your name? I haven't seen you around in school or anything." I stop staring at the group of girls and zero in on the good looking guy. "My name is Clementine." I tell him softly, "What's your name?" He smiles at me, "The name's Louis, Louis Smith."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Louis."

"It's nice to meet you too Clementine. I like your name by the way, many people don't have that name. Well, at least I don't think so." He chuckles at himself. "Thanks.. I guess." We stop talking and sit in silence again, we both kept taking glances at each other. "So, what grade are you in?" He asks, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm in 10th grade."

"I'm in 11th, that's probably why I haven't seen you around."

"Yeah, probably.." I mutter. I've never really had friends in school, no one really talks to me unless they're asking for a pen or pencil or something. I'm always alone. "You don't talk much, huh?"

"Yeah.. is it that obvious?" He smiles, "It's very obvious but that's okay!" I give him a small smile and he smiles wider, "Oh! The bus is here, let's go!" I go to take my time to get up, but Louis grabs my arm and pulls me off of the bench, causing me to gasp from the pain in my legs. "Come on!" We both start to run, each step I took made my legs sting and ache. "Louis, slow down! My legs.." I don't think I was loud enough because he didn't even stop moving or turn to look at me. "Louis!!" I shout louder, he stops almost instantly. "Yeah? Are you okay?"

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