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These scenes are mostly with the 11th doctor. :3 

Amelia Pond: Are you all right, Mister?
The Doctor: I'm fine! I'm okay! This is all perfectly normal.
Amelia Pond: Who are you?
The Doctor: I don't know yet. Still cooking.

The Doctor: Ah. Yes. Blimey. Sorry! Christmas Eve on a rooftop. Saw a chimney, my whole brain just went "What the hell!"

Amy: Have you got a plan yet?
The Doctor: Yes I do.
Amy: Are you lying?
The Doctor: Yes I am.

The Doctor peeking out from underneath a dress: You know, this isn't nearly as bad as it looks.

The Doctor: Oh, a lot more happens in '69 than anyone remembers. Human beings. I thought I'd never get done saving you.

Delaware: You, sir, are a genius.
The Doctor: A hobby.

Escapee: Doctor. Doctor, what can you see?
The Doctor: Is the Commandant's office painted a sort of green color with a big flag on the wall?{an alarm sounds} I think the answer’s probably yes.

The Doctor: Howdy.
Amy: Doctor!
The Doctor: It's the Ponds!

Amy: Someone's been a busy boy then, eh.
The Doctor: Did you see me?
Amy: Of course.
The Doctor: Stalker.
Amy: Flirt.
Rory: Husband.
The Doctor: And Rory the Roman!

River: Alright, then. Where are we? Have we done Easter Island?
The Doctor: Um... yes! I've got Easter Island.
River: They worshipped you there. Have you seen the statues?
The Doctor: Jim the Fish.
River: Oh! Jim the Fish! How is he?
The Doctor: Still building his dam.

Thats all I'm posting..for now. Ehehehehe. >:D

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